How to Use Quora for SaaS Lead Generation?

Have you ever heard of Quora? If not, it's time to get familiar with this popular question-and-answer website.

Quora is a platform that allows users to ask and answer questions on a wide range of topics. It's become a go-to resource for people looking for information and advice on everything from cooking to coding.

Quora and Its Potential for Lead Generation

Quora has over 300 million monthly active users, making it one of the most popular websites in the world. People use Quora to ask questions, get answers, and learn from experts in various fields. As a result, many businesses have started using Quora as part of their marketing strategy.

One of the key benefits of using Quora for lead generation is that it allows you to reach a highly targeted audience.

Setting up Your Quora Profile for Lead Generation

Here are some key elements to consider −

Choosing a Professional Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Your profile picture and cover photo are two of the most important visual elements of your Quora profile. Choose a profile picture that is high-quality, professional, and clearly shows your face. Your cover photo should complement your profile picture and visually represent your brand or personal style.

Writing a Compelling Bio That Showcases Your Expertise in SaaS

Your bio is an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential leads and showcase your expertise in the SaaS industry. Keep it short, sweet, and focused on what you can offer. Highlight any relevant experience, awards, or certifications that demonstrate your knowledge in the field.

Adding Links to Your Website, Blog, or Social Media Profiles

One of the key benefits of using Quora for lead generation is that it allows you to drive traffic back to your website or blog. Make sure you include links to these platforms in your bio so potential leads can easily learn more about you and your offerings.

Setting up a strong Quora profile is crucial for generating leads on this platform.

Finding Relevant Questions to Answer

Once your Quora profile is set up, it's time to start searching for relevant questions to answer. You can do this by using Quora's search bar and typing in keywords related to your SaaS industry. For example, if you are a CRM software provider, you may want to search for "CRM best practices" or "how to choose the right CRM."

Searching for SaaS-related questions using keywords and topics

In addition to using keywords, you can also browse through existing topics related to your industry. On the left sidebar of Quora's homepage, there is a section labeled "Topics." Click on this section and then type in keywords related to your industry.

Following relevant topics and users to stay updated on new questions

To stay updated on new questions being asked related to your industry, make sure you follow relevant topics and users who are experts in your field. This will ensure that you receive notifications when new questions are asked so that you can be one of the first people to answer them.

Using Quora's "Answer Later" feature to save questions for later

If you come across a question that is relevant but don't have time at the moment to craft a detailed answer, use Quora's "Answer Later" feature. This allows you to save the question for later so that it doesn't get lost among other notifications in your inbox.

You can access saved questions by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of Quora's homepage and selecting "Answer Later." Finding relevant questions is key when it comes to generating leads on Quora.

Crafting Compelling Answers That Generate Leads

Providing Valuable Insights and Solutions to the Question at Hand

The key to generating leads on Quora is to provide valuable insights and solutions that answer the question being asked. Your answer should showcase your expertise in SaaS and demonstrate your ability to solve problems.

Avoid giving generic, surface-level answers that do not add value to the conversation.

Including Relevant Statistics, Examples, and Case Studies

To make your answer even more compelling, use relevant statistics, examples, and case studies to support your insights and solutions. This adds a layer of credibility to your answer because it shows that you have done your research and have experience in the industry. Including real-world examples also helps readers understand how they can apply your advice in their own situations.

Adding a Call-to-Action (CTA) at the End of Your Answer

To turn readers into potential leads, add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your answer. This is where you can promote yourself or your business by including a link to a landing page or blog post related to the topic being discussed. Make sure that whatever you are promoting is relevant and provides additional value for the reader.

Engaging with Potential Leads on Quora

Responding Promptly to Comments on Your Answers

One of the keys to success on Quora is engaging with potential leads in a timely and professional manner. When someone comments on one of your answers, be sure to respond promptly with a thoughtful and helpful response.

Following Up With Users Who Engage With Your Content Via Private Message

In addition to responding to comments on your answers, it's also important to follow up with users who engage with your content via private message. These users may have additional questions or may even be interested in learning more about your product or service.

Building Relationships With Other Experts In The SaaS Industry

Another effective way to engage with potential leads on Quora is by building relationships with other experts in the SaaS industry. By following other experts and engaging in conversation with them, you can expand your network and potentially gain access to new audiences who may be interested in your product or service.

Measuring Your Success on Quora

After you've been actively answering questions on Quora, it's essential to track your progress and see how well your efforts are paying off. You can measure your success in a few different ways, including the number of views, upvotes, shares, and comments on your answers. These metrics tell you how many people have seen and engaged with your content.

Tracking the number of views, upvotes, and shares on your answers

To track the number of views, upvotes, and shares on your answers simply go to "Stats" at the bottom of each answer. This page tells you how many people have viewed and engaged with each answer you've written.

Analyzing the Data

Once you have tracked these metrics for a while (at least a few weeks), it's time to analyze the data. Look for patterns in which types of questions get more engagement or which days or times seem to be more active than others.


Using Quora for SaaS lead generation is a powerful strategy that can yield great results when executed correctly. By following these tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can position yourself as an expert in the SaaS industry while generating high-quality leads at scale.

Remember that consistency is key when it comes to any marketing strategy - don't give up if results aren't immediate! Keep providing value through insightful answers tailored to SaaS-related questions and stay engaged with potential leads who engage with your content.

Updated on: 28-Jun-2023


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