How to Use Meta Refresh Redirects for Page Redirects?

You may send people to a new URL rather than the one they typed in by using a technique known as URL redirection, also known as URL forwarding. 301, 302, and Meta Refresh are the three most prevalent types of redirection.

The client, Meta Refresh Redirect, performed a redirection. Redirects on meta refresh, in contrast to 301 and 302 redirects on the web server, takes place in the web browser and informs the web browser to navigate to a new web page after a defined time interval.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) discourages the usage of Meta Refresh Redirect because it is not a standard method of redirection, confuses users, and might cause browser history to be reset.

If you are not redirected within five seconds, click here to trigger a meta-refresh redirect. Despite Google's assurances that it will treat meta-refresh redirects like any other, you should only use them in a few specific situations. These include: when you cannot use an. htaccess file because, for example, your content management system (CMS) will replace it at regular intervals; and when you have no other choice.

The goal is to reroute a single file from a directory containing several others.

When misused, meta refresh redirect may confuse users' sense of orientation. Specific browsers' users cannot utilize the "Back" button if a redirect occurs too rapidly (within two to three seconds); if a user encounters a refresh that they did not request, the user may become worried about the safety of your website.

Since spammers frequently employ meta refresh redirects to trick search engines, doing so regularly may result in your site being de-indexed because search engines will see it as spam and treat it as such. Furthermore, when used for redirection, the meta refresh tag does not pass much or any link juice.

How Can I Use Redirects?

When a person clicks on a redirect, they are sent to a new Website. The primary URL is the one the user-initiated by clicking, typing, or requesting. Second, you'll need to update your destination URL. The behaviour of redirects for SEs is similar. Namely, they redirect search engines from one Domain to another.

Web admins often redirect visitors to new locations for outdated, duplicate, or otherwise changed URLs.

Both users and search engines may quickly and easily reach the most recent and relevant content. It improves the quality of the service for the end customer. Also, it may help avoid SEO issues. It may enhance your site's search engine rankings.

This is why redirects are so crucial

  • When a previously-used link no longer works, redirects may send visitors to a new one.

  • When incoming links lead to a relocated page, that link's authority is transferred to the new location.

  • Help the user experience by fixing any broken links or duplicate content.

  • Search engine rankings might drop, and user satisfaction can plummet if redirects aren't set up.

For illustration, consider the following −

Let's pretend you change the location of a page but forget to update any redirects. The server will respond with a 404 error message to the user.

Hence, the user experience suffers.

To Reroute Using Meta Refresh Tags

Similarly, we may change the page's URL using the refresh method. We can delay the redirection to the new URL by modifying how long the current page will be loaded. The code is provided below.

The code for this is −


After 15 seconds, the page will automatically switch to

Meta redirection is distinct from header redirection in this regard. The header information is unaffected because the source page isn't loaded in a header redirection.

Reloading the page with a button

In addition to the Redirects on meta refresh, we may include a button that users can click to force a website refresh immediately.

Common problems with this kind of forwarding include the following −

  • You risk having the incorrect page indexed instead of the one you want.

  • More punishment may be imposed if the technique is deemed illegal.

  • Since the user has no say in whether or not they are sent, the experience might be ruined.

Several Redirects

Permanent redirects and temporary ones are the two basic types.

There will be no discernible change to the end user. Yet, they are vital to SEO.

This is why −

You should use a permanent redirect if there is no chance the original page will ever be shown again. Suppose a page is removed, for example. Suppose you join together many copies of a page.

In doing so, they signal to search engines that replacing the old URL with the new one in search results is OK.

Finally, there are temporary reroutes. They are used to deliver a page temporarily.

Consider the following case −

Imagine you have website upkeep to do. Customers might be sent to a maintenance page with a message asking them to return after work. The original URL will remain in Google's index for longer if the redirect is temporary. This is because a temporary redirect indicates that the original URL will again serve as the site's principal Address.

Choosing the appropriate redirect to indicate to Google what you want to perform with a particular Site is crucial.

An HTTP Redirect Operates as Follows

The user's browser requests the original (redirected) URL. When a user enters a new web address, the server promptly loads the requested page (the redirect target).

Users will not notice any disruption in service due to HTTP redirection.

These kinds of redirections are called "server-side redirects" in the jargon because it is already taken care of before your website runs on the web server.

When the redirected URL is requested, it returns an HTTP status code of 3xx.

All those 3xx symbols mean that your browser needs some guidance. They show that the user's browser has been redirected to a new URL. And the Address of the brand-new website (the redirect target).


Preventing the use of redirects is optimal. In this manner, your pages will retain their credibility. But, at some point in the future, you will probably need to reroute specific sites. The most straightforward strategy to preserve your current rankings is redirecting here.

In addition to preventing your page's authority from dropping. The 404 error message will be shown to visitors and search engines alike if you delete or reorganize your website's content without redirecting the previous Address.

They will be disoriented. And they may abandon the site altogether. Although 404 errors aren't considered to affect search engine rankings, they may cause issues if internal links lead to a website that has been removed. Instead of leaving consumers and search engines to fend for themselves, it's preferable to redirect them to the appropriate page instead.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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