How to use Java's bitwise operators in Kotlin?

Kotlin provides a set of bitwise operators that we can use on integers. These operators can be applied only to Int and Long type variables. Here is the list of bitwise operations available in Kotlin −

  • shl(bits) – Signed Shift left

  • shr(bits) – Signed shift right

  • ushr(bits) – Unsigned shift right

  • and(bits) – Bitwise AND operator

  • or(bits) – Bitwise OR operator

  • xor(bits) – Bitwise XOR

  • inv() – Bitwise inversion

Kotlin does have functions for each of them.

Example: Bitwise Operators in Kotlin

The following example shows how you can implement the bitwise operators in Kotlin.

import java.lang.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
   val value = 5
   println("Input value: " + value)
   println("Bitwise Left: " + value.shl(2))
   println("Bitwise Right: " + value.shr(2))
   println("Bitwise unsigned shift right: " + value.ushr(2))
   println("Bitwise AND: " + value.and(2))
   println("Bitwise OR: " + value.or(2))
   println("Bitwise XOR: " + value.xor(2))


On execution, it will generate the following output −

Input value: 5
Bitwise Left: 20
Bitwise Right: 1
Bitwise unsigned shift right: 1
Bitwise AND: 0
Bitwise OR: 7
Bitwise XOR: 7

Updated on: 16-Mar-2022


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