How to use Boto3 to get the metrics of one/manyspecified crawler from AWS Glue Data Catalog?

Problem Statement − Use boto3 library in Python to retrieve the metrics of a specified crawler.

Example − Retrieve the metrics of a specified crawler, crawler_for_s3_file_job.

Approach/Algorithm to solve this problem

Step 1 − Import boto3 and botocore exceptions to handle exceptions.

Step 2crawler_names is the mandatory parameter. It is a list so user can send one or many crawler names at a time to fetch metrics.

Step 3 − Create an AWS session using boto3 library. Make sure region_name is mentioned in default profile. If it is not mentioned, then explicitly pass the region_name while creating the session.

Step 4 − Create an AWS client for glue.

Step 5 − Now use get_crawler_metrics function and pass the crawler_names and CrawlerNameList parameter.

Step 6 − It returns the metrics of crawlers.

Step 7 − Handle the generic exception if something went wrong while checking the job.


Use the following code to retrieve the metrics of a specified crawler −

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

def retrieves_metrics_of_a_crawler(crawler_names:list)
   session = boto3.session.Session()
   glue_client = session.client('glue')
      crawler_details = glue_client.get_crawler_metrics(CrawlerNameList = crawler_names)
      return crawler_details
   except ClientError as e:
      raise Exception("boto3 client error in retrieves_metrics_of_a_crawler: " + e.__str__())
   except Exception as e:
      raise Exception("Unexpected error in retrieves_metrics_of_a_crawler: " + e.__str__())


{'CrawlerMetricsList': [{'CrawlerName': crawler_for_s3_file_job,
'TimeLeftSeconds': 0.0, 'StillEstimating': False, 'LastRuntimeSeconds':
79.673, 'MedianRuntimeSeconds': 79.673, 'TablesCreated': 1,
'TablesUpdated': 0, 'TablesDeleted': 0}], 'ResponseMetadata':
{'RequestId': '680cf4ca-********0abe', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Sun, 28 Feb 2021 11:38:08 GMT', 'content-type':
'application/x-amz-json-1.1', 'content-length': '216', 'connection':
'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': '680cf4ca-******************0abe'},
'RetryAttempts': 0}}

Updated on: 23-Mar-2021


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