How to use Boto3 to get a list of buckets present in S3 using AWS Client?

Problem Statement − Use Boto3 library in Python to get the list of all buckets present in AWS

Example − Get the name of buckets like – BUCKET_1, BUCKET2, BUCKET_3

Approach/Algorithm to solve this problem

Step 1 − Import boto3 and botocore exceptions to handle exceptions.

Step 2 − Create an AWS session using Boto3 library.

Step 3 − Create an AWS client for S3.

Step 4 − Use the function list_buckets() to store all the properties of buckets in a dictionary like ResponseMetadata, buckets

Step 5 − Use for loop to get only bucket-specific details from the dictionary like Name, Creation Date, etc.

Step 6 − Now, retrieve only Name from the bucket dictionary and store in a list.

Step 7 − Handle any unwanted exception if it occurs

Step 8 − Return the list of buckets_name


The following code gets the list of buckets present in S3 −

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

# To get list of buckets present in AWS using S3 client
def get_buckets_client():
   session = boto3.session.Session()
   # User can pass customized access key, secret_key and token as well
   s3_client = session.client('s3')
      response = s3_client.list_buckets()
      buckets =[]
   for bucket in response['Buckets']
      buckets += {bucket["Name"]}

      except ClientError:
         print("Couldn't get buckets.")
         return buckets


['BUCKET_1', 'BUCKET_2', 'BUCKET_3'……..]

Updated on: 22-Mar-2021

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