How to turn wikipedia pages into ebooks

Nobody can say Wikipedia is not best, every day billion of people go through it to get valuable information and they are satisfied too. A free encyclopedia with huge database, contain data on various topics in many languages. If you are planning to go to some unknown place (abroad); definitely you will download some data about that place and save it to use offline, but how good if you could convert those data into Ebook?

It is possible; Wikipedia provides a way to create Ebook. You can collect the content, arrange it and convert it into Ebook in EPUB form or PDF form in free of cost. Additionally, you can appeal Wikipedia to deliver you a printed version, or get it printed out yourself.

Let’s see how to do that,

1) Collect the data

Collect the required data into Wikipedia, go to the Print/Export option on the left hand side of the Wikipedia page and click on the “Create a book” link. Shown in the figure below,

After clicking on “Create a book”, the next page will be the Book Creator page, here you select and arrange the pages you want to convert into ebook, for that just click on the “Start book creator” green button.

Once you enable the book creator, the Book creator window will display in every opened Wikipedia page.

So, whenever you want to save the pages of your choice from Wikipedia, just click on “Add this page to your book”.

After adding the pages of your choice, see all pages under “Show book (2 pages).

After finishing all above process, arrange all added pages as per your requirement. To do so, just click on the “Show book” option to see all pages you have added for book creation. You will get “Manage your book page”. Using this window you can see and arrange all pages you have added on the book, can give the title to the book, order the book as a printed book and can download it in a format of your choice.

2) Book content management process

“Manage you book” window provides an option to give Title and Subtitle to your book, you can choose the paper size (A4 or Letter size) of the book and rearrange the contents of your book, before publishing. To arrange the pages of the book, you can just simply drag the pages into order, or can keep them in alphabetical order. Additionally, you can add chapters then keep all pages under the chapter for better categorization.

To include chapters into the table of contents, just check the option “Include a table of contents”.

3) Output of the Book

There are two ways of publishing; “Printed physical book” or “ebook”.

Printed physical book

To print your book as a physical book, avail the option “PediaPress” from Wikipedia.

Here also you can change the Title and Subtitles and preview the content of the page via the “Click to preview” button.

If preview is ok for you then you can choose where to send the book. From here, you can also choose the hardcover and coloured option, each one include extra cost.

After your selection process gets over, it displays the overall cost without shipping cost.

EBook publishing process

If your budget is limited, you can choose the EBook option to create the pages in five formats. Choose the suitable format and follow the instruction.

If you choose PDF, the book will be placed on your desktop to read offline or for ePUB, you need a reader app or viewer app to visualize the book.


It is really a good service; everywhere you won’t get internet connection to browse information about places, things, foods, etc…, in emergency cases. In those cases, this service really works. This also reduces your time and internet cost too.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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