How to terminate/destroy a process using Process API in Java 9?

In Java 9, Process API supports an easy way to get much information about a process. ProcessHandle interface can identify and provide the control of native processes and method to check processes liveness and destroy the processes whereas ProcessHandle.Info interface can give an Information snapshot of a process. We need to destroy a process by using the destroy() method of the ProcessHandle interface.

In the below example, we need to terminate a process by using the ProcessHandle interface.


import java.util.Objects;

public class DestroyProcessTest {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
      System.out.println("Destroy Process:");

      final String javaCmd = getJavaCmdFromParent();
      final String classpath = getClassPathFromParent();

      try {
         final Process process = new ProcessBuilder(javaCmd, "-cp", classpath, DestroyProcessTest.class.getName()).start();
         ProcessHandle processHandle = process.toHandle();

         System.out.println("After destroying the process:");

      } catch(IOException e) {
   private static String getClassPathFromParent() {
      return System.getProperty("java.class.path", "./*");
   private static String getJavaCmdFromParent() {
      return Objects.isNull(System.getProperty("java.home")) ? "java"
: String.format("%s%sbin%sjava", System.getProperty("java.home"), File.separator, File.separator);
   private static void destroyProcess(ProcessHandle processHandle) throws IllegalStateException {
      System.out.println("Ready to destroy Process with id: " +;
   private static void printInfo(ProcessHandle processHandle) {
      System.out.println("Id: " +;
      System.out.println("isAlive(): " + processHandle.isAlive());
      System.out.println("isSupportsNormalTermination(): " + processHandle.supportsNormalTermination());

      ProcessHandle.Info processInfo =;
      System.out.println("Info: " + processInfo.toString());
      System.out.println("Info arguments().isPresent(): " + processInfo.arguments().isPresent());
      System.out.println("Info command().isPresent(): " + processInfo.command().isPresent());
      System.out.println("Info totalCpuDuration().isPresent(): " + processInfo.totalCpuDuration().isPresent());
      System.out.println("Info user().isPresent(): " + processInfo.user().isPresent());


Destroy Process:
Id: 4384
isAlive(): true
isSupportsNormalTermination(): false
Info: [user: Optional[Tutorialspoint\User], cmd: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4\bin\java.exe, startTime: Optional[2020-03-06T10:58:53.210Z], totalTime: Optional[PT0.046875S]]
Info arguments().isPresent(): false
Info command().isPresent(): true
Info totalCpuDuration().isPresent(): true
Info user().isPresent(): true
Ready to destroy Process with id: 4384
After destroying the process:
Id: 4384
isAlive(): false
isSupportsNormalTermination(): false
Info: [user: Optional[Tutorialspoint\User], startTime: Optional[2020-03-06T10:58:53.210Z], totalTime: Optional[PT0.109375S]]
Info arguments().isPresent(): false
Info command().isPresent(): false
Info totalCpuDuration().isPresent(): true
Info user().isPresent(): true

Updated on: 06-Mar-2020

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