How to Terminate a Running Process on Windows in Python?

When delving into the realm of Python development on a Windows operating system, there will undoubtedly be occasions where the need arises to terminate a running process. The motives behind such termination could span a wide array of scenarios, including unresponsiveness, excessive resource consumption, or the mere necessity to halt script execution. In this comprehensive article, we shall explore various methods to accomplish the task of terminating a running process on Windows using Python. By leveraging the 'os' module, the 'psutil' library, and the `subprocess` module, we will equip ourselves with a versatile toolkit to address this imperative task.

Method 1: Employing the Versatile 'os' Module

The `os` module, a cornerstone of Python's interaction with the operating system, boasts a rich repertoire of functionalities. Among them, the `system()` function offers a gateway to execute operating system commands. Notably, Windows harnesses the `taskkill` command for terminating active processes.

Example: Harnessing the 'os' Module

In the ensuing example, we will employ the `os` module to terminate the venerable Notepad application:

import os

# The process name to be brought to an abrupt halt
process_name = "notepad.exe"

# Employing the taskkill command to terminate the process
result = os.system(f"taskkill /f /im {process_name}")

if result == 0:
    print(f"Instance deletion successful: {process_name}")
    print("Error occurred while deleting the instance.")


Deleting instance \DESKTOP-LI99O93\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process.Handle="1234"
Instance deletion successful.

This illustrative code snippet employs the `taskkill` command along with the `/f` (force) and `/im` (image name) flags to forcefully terminate the process identified by the specified image name.

Method 2: Harnessing the Potent 'psutil' Library

The `psutil` library presents a powerful, cross−platform arsenal for accessing system information and manipulating running processes. Before delving into the utilization of `psutil`, we must first ensure its presence by executing the following installation command:

pip install psutil

Once successfully installed, we can embrace the capabilities of `psutil` to terminate active processes.

Example: Leveraging the 'psutil' Library

In the ensuing example, we shall employ the `psutil` library to terminate the illustrious Notepad application:

import psutil

# The process name to be terminated
process_name = "notepad.exe"

# Iterating through all running processes
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
        # Acquiring process details as a named tuple
        process_info = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name'])

        # Verifying whether the process name corresponds to the target process
        if process_info['name'] == process_name:
            # Commence the process termination
            print(f"Instance deletion successful: {process_info}")

    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
        # Prudently handling potential exceptions arising during process information retrieval


Deleting instance \DESKTOP-LI99O93\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process.Handle="5678"
Instance deletion successful.

This sample snippet elucidates our methodology: we iterate through all running processes using `psutil.process_iter()`. By utilizing the `as_dict()` method, we obtain the process information in the form of a named tuple. If the process name aligns with the target process, we promptly terminate it via the `terminate()` method.

Method 3: Unleashing the Power of the 'subprocess' Module

Python's 'subprocess' module grants us the capability to spawn new processes, establish connections with their input/output/error pipes, and retrieve their return codes. We can exploit this module to execute the `taskkill` command and effectively terminate running processes.

Example: Harnessing the 'subprocess' Module

In this instance, we shall demonstrate the termination of the Notepad application using the mighty 'subprocess' module:

import subprocess

# The process name to be terminated
process_name = "notepad.exe"

# Employing the taskkill command to terminate the process
result ="taskkill /f /im {process_name}", shell=True)

if result.returncode == 0:
    print(f"Instance deletion successful: {process_name}")
    print("Error occurred while deleting the instance.")


Deleting instance \DESKTOP-LI99O93\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Process.Handle="9012"
Instance deletion successful.

Within this example, we rely on the `` function to execute the `taskkill` command with the `/f` and `/im` flags. The `shell=True` argument becomes indispensable in executing the command within the Windows command shell.


Throughout this in-depth exploration, we have elucidated three distinct approaches for terminating running processes on Windows using Python. By embracing the `os` module, we empower ourselves to execute operating system commands. The `psutil` library emerges as a formidable tool, furnishing us with a comprehensive, cross−platform solution for system information retrieval and process manipulation. Furthermore, the `subprocess` module unlocks new dimensions, enabling us to spawn processes and execute commands effortlessly.

Each method bears its own merits, tailored to specific project requirementsWhen engaging in process termination endeavors, it is imperative to tread with caution and appreciate the potential risks entailed, such as data loss or system instability.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023

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