How to Succeed in Exams?

Exams! Are they around the corner? They rob many of their very youthful glows. All those who face exams know that the struggle is real. Many fear the fret of getting weeded out. And many more find themselves trapped in the ‘end-of-the-semester jam’.

Are you anxious? Do you feel like being at your breaking point? What would be my life if I get B grade? Is that what you are thinking and getting depressed?

Oh please, just move one step back, take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. Exams anxiety is a real but silly thing. Relax and relieve your stress. Don’t panic. Don’t let exams stress you out. Come on, go out for a while and blow off some steam.

You are truly capable. You have it in you to prove it. Don’t’ doubt your capability. You can easily pass your exam. Kick the doubt away from you. Doubt is your foe and capability is your friend. You just need to fine tune few of your skills to pass the exams. Here I will talk about those skills that will help you to surpass your exams.

Here we go.

Are there any secrets to pass in an exam every time? The simple answer is “Yes”. There are some essential skills, tips and techniques that can help you to succeed and in fact outperform others.

You don’t need to get too stressed by exams. However, a degree of stress helps brings out the best in most people. Here is the key. Have you not seen M.S. Dhoni, a cricket superstar, performing mostly when he is under pressure? People often perform better under some pressure. So the trick is to harness the positive effects of stress whilst minimizing and nullifying the more negative aspects by −

  • Eliminating the myths associated with exams.
  • Eliminating the irrational fears.
  • Changing your attitude.
  • Improving your study and revision technique.
  • Improving your exam technique.

The above recommendations can thereby leave you in a healthy level of stress sufficient to bring out the best in you.

It is always complicated while we think of balancing stress for the positive well being of life because stress and anxiety are natural emotions experienced by every human and it affects people in many different ways. But if the stress persists then look for other sources of help which, incidentally, will help in many aspects of your life, not just to ace examination, so the effort is likely to be very worthwhile. There are immense channels available nowadays on stress management covering such things as −

  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Natural Therapies
  • Positive Thinking, etc

We mostly end up following more or less the same routine to avoid and reduce stress. If you haven’t already done so, you may find it useful to try some of these. Honestly, stress should be viewed as a two edged sword as far as exams are concerned. Many argue that the exam system puts terrible stress on young people and this sometimes has tragic consequences. Such stress is more common among us. Life puts many stresses on the young and learning to cope with exams can help them in later life. Many learn to thrive on stress through seeing the various challenges as opportunities to do well.

Tips to boost your performance

Use these tips to boost your performance for any examination that you are evaluated for −

What Examiners are looking for?

An examination is specific to its university standards. The passing marks are granted on the basis of performance in exams and assessments, which is purely aligned with the subjects and its institution limits. Therefore, each university has laid its own benchmark.

So, what do the examiners wants?

Many educationists have asked their examiners to share a report to highlight the expectations of them from the test takers. The observations are more or less these −

  • Many test takers NEVER read instructions thoroughly. It is always seen that few answer more than required and few answer less than needed.

  • The test takers do not read the questions carefully enough.

  • The test takers do not plan their answers.

  • The test takers responses while sharing their viewpoints and judgments are usually not supported by clear evidence.

  • The test takers do not manage their time effectively.

These are the ONLY things an examiner wants:

  • They want you to pass.
  • They want you to do what they have asked.
  • They want you to follow the instructions.
  • They want you to answer everything asked in a question.
  • They want the answers to be legible.
  • They want you to finish the paper.

Physical and Mental preparation

To gear up for the examination and exam sitting your brain needs to be in balanced state. Let’s accept examinations are test for the patience level. This also means that the rest of your body will need to be in good physical condition, as the health of body and mind are linked closely.

We all believe that a healthy mind thrives in a healthy body. However, we don’t always take care of our bodies or minds in the best possible way.

These tried and tested suggestions can help achieve Physical and Mental balanced state:

  • Regulating your sleep pattern
  • Keeping well hydrated
  • Knowing when and how to relax
  • Taking a walk in the nearby park
  • Looking at greenery

The Role of physical Exercise

Aerobic exercise is an excellent way to relax mentally, reduce stress and improve sleep patterns. Carried out regularly over a long period, exercise improves your stamina. Exercise is also important in the short term because it stimulates brain activity by improving the blood supply to your brain, an organ that requires a surprising amount of oxygen and energy to function well.

Mental Exercise, relaxation and sleep

As an organ, your brain responds to being exercised. In a similar fashion to your muscles, the more it works, the better prepared it is for future effort.

Study styles are specific to an individual

To understand learning let you question yourself. What is the way that you take information, process it, remembers it and expresses it. Some people refer to this as a learning preference.

Psychology says the natural learning style has already evolved significantly by the age of three and, as you go through your education, your style is influenced by the behaviors we learn. Trying to stick to our learning style isn’t always possible because of the different education systems we have globally.

Put simply, the potential exists to use information about your learning style to perform better at university. This will help you to −

  • Identify your academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Help your study more effectively.
  • Approach problem solving more effectively.

Think about what your learning style means for aspects of your studying. How can it affect these important processes for example?.

  • How to take notes in the classes or from text books
  • How to revise
  • How to study in a group
  • How to express our self in assessments.

Time Management

Managing your time effectively is important when preparing for exams and assessments. Time management is a skill that can be developed like any other. The aim should be to balance the time you devote to study, family, friends and social activities.

The above tips and techniques are totally doable. All you need to really commit yourself to them and then relish the fruit of coping not just exam pressure but also pass it with aplomb. Good luck!.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2020


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