How to stay upto date on search seo

Every day millions of people search the net for their needs, either they buy something or explore various products to take a buying decision later. Imagine, the huge opportunities one can get from that. The visitors can be your potential customer on any given day. You can generate the much-needed revenues by converting them to your real customer.

But, what happens when your site is not appearing on the top of the search results page? The visitors won’t visit your site and you definitely lose the potential customers, isn’t it?

Let’s assume that you have created a nice search friendly website for your gift shop. Initially, the site gets a good number of visitors due to the contents quality, relative keywords, and other search engine friendly attributes. But later on, you noticed that the visitor’s footfalls are gradually reducing to a great extent. And the sole reason is that your site is no longer appearing on the top pages of search results.

You may be wondering, why the search engines suddenly betraying you. You haven’t changed anything, the same website was so popular jus a while ago, but now turned to be a disliked site by the search engines.

The reason is so simple, that you haven’t changed anything for months. The search engines continuously keep updating themselves. There are new features and algorithms which keeps on adding at regular intervals. So, you need to be alert enough to keep your site upto date to increase your chances.

Let’s discuss some of the key areas that you can keep on updating to make your site always the darling of search engines.

The SEO Plan

There is a popular saying that ‘plan today for a better tomorrow’. That is absolutely true, to avoid uncertainties better to plan for tomorrow. It is always advisable to create a plan and then follow it step by step to achieve the desired success.

You need to create an SEO Plan and include all those factors like keywords, contents, title, description and others, which can enhance the value of your sites to get it identified easily by the search engines. Then set the goals to revisit those factors time to time to do the necessary modifications as required.

To keep your site visible on the search engines, you need to be up to date with your site content, keywords, and other related factors.

Let’s discuss some key factors which need to be updated on a regular basis to keep your site search engines optimized.

Keep Updating the Keywords

The keywords are the bright stars of your website which allows the search engines to easily find out your site from the crowd. But, the brightness of the same keywords cannot remain same forever, so it is necessary to keep on adding relevant keywords as per the current trends.

For example, you sell women ethnic wear clothes on your store, and you have given the related keywords of the types and color of the dresses you have, like ‘Traditional Red Kurtas’, ‘Off-white long kurta’ etc. But as the trends in the market keep on changing, people may search differently as per the names of latest fashionable items with newest keywords like ‘ Multicolor Shirt-style Kurta’ or something which is new. As the keywords are not in your sites, they may not find your store online, although you have stored the same products in your inventory.

So, it is important to perform the keyword research activities related to your business to know that what is trending in the market. Here are the few steps to watch out:

  • Revisit the existing keywords and keep on adding new ones as you added the items to your inventory
  • Closely monitor the changes and adjust your plan accordingly
  • Interact with your customers to know their needs and the kind of keywords they used to search online
  • Check the sites of your competitors and adopt the best practices
  • Be active in social medias to find out the latest trends people are looking for in your kind of business

Measure the Weightage of Keywords

Adding more and more keywords and repeating them again and again in your websites won’t help you to appear on the search results page. Actually, keyword stuffing is against the guidelines of search engines, and your site may be ignored by them. So, it is wiser to observe the weight of your keywords to know the weaker areas. That helps you to make a more appropriate SEO plan.

There are many useful tools in the market which can help you to analyze the value of your keywords in term converting visitors into customers. The search engines like Google and Bing are offering such tools for free. Google has Webmaster and Google Search Console tools to help you in this activity. The Search Console tool let you know which page of your website is appearing in search results and the number of clicks they are getting.

Use the Keywords as per the size of your Business

While choosing the keywords, it is better to consider the size and popularity of your business. You may have given the best appropriate keywords related to your business; still, your site will not appear in search results, why?

Let’s take an example of a toys store you own at Lajpatnagar, Delhi. So, you have provided the related keywords in your website like ‘Toys Store’, “Best Toys Store’ etc. Now, what will happen when people search only with the keyword ‘toys stores’? Is your site will appear?

No, the chances are very low that your site will appear in the top search results. That is because there are many established big toys companies which are already in the market. So, while comparing to them your site is nowhere in the competition. The Name of those big brands will come first.

So, what will you do? How about the keyword – ‘Toys store in Lajpatnagar’? Yes, it will work. Whenever people search with this keyword, there are high chances that your site will appear in the top results.

Finally, once you find out the gaps, list down in your SEO Plan. The next step is to prioritize them and prepare the required action plan. Apply the improvements to your site to make it the darling of the search engines.

Remember that, this is not a one-time exercise to enhance and then forget. As discussed, keywords research and the addition of new keywords is a continuous process to keep your website optimized for the search engines.

Updated on: 01-Jun-2022


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