How to solve Push from GUI client returns Authentication Failed in Git?

The problem of "Authentication Failed" occurs frequently for developers when they try to upload modifications from a graphical user interface (GUI) client in Git. In the modern era of technology, where digital advancements are prominent, version control systems like Git have become indispensable tools for managing software development projects. Git offers a dependable and effective approach to handling code repositories, collaborating with team members, and monitoring alterations.

Nonetheless, like any intricate system, occasional challenges may arise. In this comprehensive article, we will thoroughly examine this particular issue and present practical remedies to help us to overcome it.

Understanding the Error

If we come across the "Authentication Failed" error during our attempt to push modifications through a graphical user interface (GUI) application, it usually signifies a problem with our authentication credentials. Git employs diverse authentication techniques, including SSH keys, usernames/passwords, and OAuth tokens, to authenticate our identity and allow access to the repository.

If any of these credentials are inaccurate, obsolete, or absent, Git will decline the push request and exhibit the error message of authentication failure. It is essential to ensure that our authentication information is up-to-date, accurate, and complete to avoid encountering this issue. Additionally, reviewing the documentation and troubleshooting guides provided by Git can aid in resolving this error efficiently.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve the "Authentication Failed" error, adhere to the following guidelines −

Validate Credentials

The initial step involves verifying the validity of the authentication details. Ensure that the username and password, SSH key pair, or OAuth token associated with our Git repository are correct. Even a minor typographical error can result in authentication failures, so meticulous attention to detail is crucial.

Verify Remote URL

Next, confirm the correctness of the remote URL for our Git repository. Occasionally, the URL may have changed due to repository relocation or updates. Within our GUI client's settings, review the remote URL and ensure it aligns with the repository's current location.

Upgrade Git Client and GUI Tools

Outdated versions of Git clients and GUI tools can sometimes lead to compatibility issues, causing authentication failures. It is essential to keep our Git client and any associated GUI tools up to date. Visit the official websites to obtain the latest releases and ensure we are utilizing the most recent versions.

Assess Firewall and Proxy Settings

If we are operating behind a firewall or utilizing a proxy server, it is important to inspect whether they are interfering with the authentication process. Firewalls or proxy servers might block specific ports or protocols that Git requires for successful authentication. Consult with the network administrator or IT department to determine if any network restrictions are contributing to the issue.

Clear Credentials Cache

In certain cases, cached credentials that are no longer valid can be the cause of authentication failures. Clearing the credentials cache can help resolve this issue. Depending on the operating system, there are various methods to clear the Git credentials cache. Refer to the official Git documentation for instructions tailored to the environment.

Generate Fresh SSH Keys or OAuth Tokens

If we employ SSH keys or OAuth tokens for authentication, there is a possibility that they have become corrupted or expired. In such scenarios, it is advisable to generate new SSH keys or OAuth tokens and update the Git client with fresh credentials. This ensures that we possess valid authentication information to access the repository.

Seek Assistance from the Repository Administrator

If we have exhausted all the aforementioned steps and the "Authentication Failed" error persists, it may be necessary to contact the repository administrator for further support. They can examine the repository's settings, permissions, and user access controls to identify any potential issues contributing to the authentication failure.

Remember, by following these steps and seeking appropriate assistance, we can troubleshoot and overcome the "Authentication Failed" error, ensuring a seamless and secure Git experience.


In conclusion, facing the "Authentication Failed" problem while pushing modifications from a graphical user interface (GUI) application in Git can be exasperating. Nevertheless, following the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article enables us to effectively tackle the issue and restore seamless access to our code repositories.

Remember to verify the authentication details, inspect the remote URL, upgrade the Git client and GUI tools, analyze firewall and proxy configurations, clear the credentials cache, regenerate SSH keys or OAuth tokens if required, and seek aid from the repository administrator if all else proves futile.

Updated on: 08-Aug-2023


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