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“More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known.” – Boris Beizer

Well, designing and maintaining the testing activities involves a lot of attention and takes precious times of the team. The pain of organizing the test cases, test suits, then keeping the records of the test results phases after phases, tracking the bugs, and then maintaining those various reports and metrics, a quality assurance person can understand who actually performs all those activities. Also tracing the requirements against a particular test case is another painful task when needed.

How about a magician or a magical wand to organize and maintain all these activities on your behalf? Isn’t it exciting? Well, you can achieve that without the help of a magician or a magic wand. You just need a best Test Management Tool which can perform all these activities efficiently.

What is a Test Management Tool?

In simple words, we can say that the tool which makes a quality assurance engineer’s life easy. Yes, the test management tool can help the tester to successfully manage all the testing phases, starting from the planning of testing activities, executing the test cases, collecting the test results, logging the defects and finally generate the reports.

It saves the precious time of quality persons by streamlining the testing process. You do not have to run pillar to post to gather the required data, no need to open multiple applications to perform various testing activities. A single tool can allow you to track the defects and the project task, maintaining the release cycles, trace your test assets, and generate reports; in-short we can say that simplifying all the activities within a box approach.

Let’s discuss some of the popular test management tools available in the market.

Popular Test Management Tools


This is one of the popular test management tool and is ranked as #1 among the other tools by the Agile testing teams around the world. It provides all the required features to make QA processes simpler, easier and faster.

It manages the requirements, organizes and stores the test cases, manages test cycles, stores results, tracks defects, generates interactive reports and the best part is, it integrates with JIRA. Thus, it is one of the favorite tools of Agile testing teams.


It is an extensive web-based test case management tool to perfectly manage, track and organize all your testing activities. It executes your tests, track the results and create reports and also integrate with JIRA. The latest TestRail 5.0 has the best-in-class JIRA integration feature, where it allows the JIRA Server and JIRA Cloud add-on to directly view and tracks the linked Test Rail test results, test cases and reports inside the JIRA itself.


Zephyr is one of the fastest growing test management tool which comes with add-ons for JIRA. So, if you have JIRA license then you can use Zephyr for just paying additional nominal amount. The look and feel is just like JIRA. It allows you to integrate automation tools like Selenium, continuous integration tools like Bamboo or Jenkins using RESTful APIs in ZAPI, the Add-on to Zephyr for JIRA.

Another good feature of Zephyr is that, the Agile team can use it the way they use JIRA. They can track the sprints by linking the features with the Test Cycles and can track the status and quality metrics with burn down charts and test boards. Using Zephyr, you can create and execute tests, log the defects and track the metrics.


Practitest is a test management tool with an end-to-end approach to your QA process. It well integrates with not only JIRA but also other tools such as Bugzila, Selenium, Jenkins, SoapUI, Juint, Fogbugz, RedMine, Github, QTP, Slack etc.

Using this tool, you can effectively organize the requirements, create and run tests, track defects and generate the useful reports. You can also customize the process by using their APIs.


TestLink is one of the open source web-based test management tool. It also has the similar features as other test management tool. By using this tool you can manage and organize the requirements, create and execute test cases, perform bug tracking and it also provides you various reports and charts.

QA Complete

It is one of the leading test management tools which can be customized to suit any development process whether you are using Waterfall or Agile methodology. It is easy to use and has the central repository to store all your test reports. It can be integrated with JIRA, Bugzilla, Visual Studio and many such applications.

HP-ALM-Quality Centre

The HP quality center is one of the best test management tool used across the HP offices and other companies too. It has all the necessary features to be one of the best test management tools, and also it has one of the popular features to send emails to all the intended team members in case of any changes occurs.

How to Become a Relaxed QA Lead or Manager?

Being a QA Lead or Manager, Is it really possible to sit at your desk and dreaming that all the testing activities are running smoothly? Not at all, you have to be on your toe to verify all the activities and then gather the test results, test data from each individual to prepare the reports. And while communicating that information among the stakeholders, even a small error can spoil the complete report and put your position in jeopardize.

But a test management tool can help you to perform all the activities in perfection and thus you will be a relaxed person. Whether capturing the requirements, managing and organizing the test cases, managing the test cycles, executing testing, tracking defects and generating various reports – all in one application can do the magic for you.

So, check the various test management tools available in the market and choose the best one which suits your project. And then allow the tool to do the magic for you.

Updated on: 28-Apr-2022


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