How to set the position of Image from top using FabricJS?

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to set the position of Image from top using FabricJS. We can create an Image object by creating an instance of fabric.Image. Since it is one of the basic elements of FabricJS, we can also easily customize it by applying properties like angle, opacity etc. In order to set the position of Image from top, we use the top property.


new fabric.Image( element: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement | String, { top: Number }: Object, callback: function)


  • element − This parameter accepts HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement or String which denotes the image element. The String should be a URL and would be loaded as an image.

  • options (optional) − This parameter is an Object which provides additional customizations to our object. Using this parameter origin, stroke width and a lot of other properties can be changed related to the image object of which top is a property.

  • callback (optional) − This parameter is a function which is to be called after eventual filters are applied.

Options Keys

  • top − This property accepts a Number which allows us to set the distance from top of the canvas for image.

Default appearance of the Image object


Let’s see a code example to understand how the image object looks when the top property is not used.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library--> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h2>Default appearance of the Image object</h2> <p>You can see the default appearance of Image object</p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <img src="" id="img1" style="display: none" /> <script> // Initiate a canvas instance var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); canvas.setWidth(document.body.scrollWidth); canvas.setHeight(250); // Initiating the image element var imageElement = document.getElementById("img1"); // Initiate an Image object var image = new fabric.Image(imageElement, { left: 50, }); // Add it to the canvas canvas.add(image); </script> </body> </html>

Passing the top property as key with a custom value


In this example, we are assigning a value of 70 to the top property. This will make sure that our image object is placed at a 70px distance from the top.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library--> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h2>Passing the top property as key with a custom value</h2> <p> You can see that the Image object is placed at a distance of 70px from the top </p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <img src="" id="img1" style="display: none" /> <script> // Initiate a canvas instance var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); canvas.setWidth(document.body.scrollWidth); canvas.setHeight(250); // Initiating the image element var imageElement = document.getElementById("img1"); // Initiate an Image object var image = new fabric.Image(imageElement, { top: 70, left: 50, }); // Add it to the canvas canvas.add(image); </script> </body> </html>

Updated on: 28-Oct-2022


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