How to Set Axis Limits in MATLAB

MATLAB provides various built-in functions, such as xlim(), ylim(), and axis() that help us to adjust axis limits as per our requirements. In this tutorial, we will learn about adjusting axis limits of a plot in MATLAB.

Functions to Set Axis Limits

In MATLAB, there are three main functions widely used for adjusting axis limits of a plot. These functions are as follows:

  • “xlim()” Function - The “xlim()” function is used to adjust X-axis limit of a plot in MATLAB.

  • “ylim()” Function - The “ylim()” function is used to adjust Y-axis limit of a plot in MATLAB.

  • “axis ()” Function - The “axis()” function is used to adjust both X-axis and Y-axis limits simultaneously or automatically.

The implementation of these functions in MATLAB programming is demonstrated with the example programs in the below sections of this article.

“xlim()” and “ylim()” Functions

In MATLAB, the “xlim()” and “ylim()” functions are used to adjust the X-axis and Y-axis limits individually.


xlim([left_limit, right_limit]);
ylim([left_limit, right_limit]);

Let us consider an example to understand this implementation.


% MATLAB program for adjusting axes limits individually
% Create a sample vector of data
x = linspace(0, 50, 10);
y = x.^2;
% Plot the x and y data on graph
plot(x, y);
% Set the X and Y axis limits
xlim([0, 50]);   % Setting X axis limits from 0 to 50
ylim([0, 2500]);  % Setting Y axis limits from 0 to 2500



In this MATLAB program, first of all we call “linspace” function to create a vector “x”, having linearly spaced values from 0 to 50. Then, we calculate square of values of “x” and store them in another vector “y”. After that we call “plot” function to plot the values of “x” and “y”. Next, we call functions “xlim” and “ylim” to adjust the X-axis and Y-axis limits respectively. In this example, we set the X-axis limit from 0 to 50 and the Y-axis limit from 0 to 2500.

“axis()” Function

In MATLAB, the “axis()” function allows use to adjust both X-axis and Y-axis limits simultaneously.


axis([x_left_limit, x_right_limit, y_left_limit, y_right_limit]);

Let us now consider an example program to understand the implementation of axis() function.


% MATLAB program to adjust both axes limits simultaneously
% Create a sample vector of data
x = linspace(-5, 5, 11);
y = x.^3;
% Plot the x and y data on graph
plot(x, y);
% Set the X axis and Y axis limits simultaneously
axis([-6, 6, -200, 200])  % Setting X-axis limits from -6 to 6 and Y-axis limits from -200 to 200



In the above MATLAB program, we start by calling the “linspace” function to create a vector “x”, having linearly spaced values from -5 to 5. Then, we calculate cubes of values of “x” and store them in another vector “y”. After that we call “plot” function to plot the values of “x” and “y”. Next, we call “axis” function to set the X-axis and Y-axis limits simultaneously. In this example, we set the X-axis limits from -6 to 6 and the Y-axis limits from -200 to 200.

“axis auto” Function

In MATLAB, we can use the “axis” function with auto option to adjust the X-axis and Y-axis limits automatically depending on the range of the data.


axis auto;

The following MATLAB program demonstrate the implementation of the “axis” function with auto option to adjust axis limits of a plot automatically.


% MATLAB program to adjust axes limits automatically
% Create a sample vector of data
x = linspace(-5, 5, 11);
y = x.^3;
% Plot the x and y data on graph
plot(x, y);
% Set the X axis and Y axis limits simultaneously
axis auto; % Adjusting X-axis and Y-axis limits automatically



In this MATLAB program, firstly, we call the “linspace” function to create a vector “x”, having linearly spaced values from -5 to 5. Then, we compute cube of values of vector “x” and store them in another vector “y”.

After that we call the “plot” function to plot the values of “x” and “y”. Then, we call “axis” function with “auto” parameter to set the X-axis and Y-axis limits automatically based on data range. In this example, MATLAB automatically set the X-axis limits from -5 to 5 and the Y-axis limits from -150 to 150 depending on the data ranges.


In conclusion, MATLAB has three built-in function “xlim”, “ylim”, and “axis” to adjust the axis limits of a plot in MATLAB. We have illustrated the use of these three function with different parameter values in the above programs.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023

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