How to Select an MBA Stream That is Right for You?

An increase in MBA applications has been observed at business institutions all over the world. Some of this is probably the result of individuals looking for new employment options or jobs in demand that are higher-paying. But it could also be because the pandemic caused a lot of colleges and business schools to extend their application deadlines.

Whatever the cause, it's obvious that MBAs are becoming more and more in demand.

It's a terrific time to earn an MBA degree because the post-pandemic job environment currently benefits employees. Even just earning an online MBA degree can improve your marketability in your industry and the caliber of your career options.

Therefore, you must pick the appropriate MBA program for yourself if you want to stand out to companies and gain stronger job chances.

Why Get an MBA?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree covers the basics of business, from marketing to finance. An MBA is a wonderful option for people who wish to study management and entrepreneurship.

Gaining an MBA online will help you acquire the professional and leadership abilities you require. You'll also gain a more comprehensive perspective on business than others.

An MBA degree is also necessary for higher-level employment chances. Actually, an MBA was expressly held by 59% of CEOs with graduate degrees. It can provide you an advantage over the competition, even though it isn't necessarily required for a job.

You are sure to find a field of study that interests you nowadays because there are so many different areas you can specialize in. You can concentrate on one of the following MBA streams: general management, marketing & communications, human resource management, consulting, finance, entrepreneurship, operations management, or technology management.

Contrary to popular belief, business professionals who are enthusiastic and goal-oriented are not the only ones who should consider getting an MBA. Those who wish to pursue a wide range of jobs will also find it advantageous.

Government, human resources, marketing, and information technology are among industries where an MBA might be useful. This is due to the fact that these fields, which likewise place an emphasis on leadership and communication, benefit from the abilities taught in MBA schools.

Why is it Important to Choose the Right MBA Program?

A significant amount of time, effort, and money are needed for an MBA overseas. Therefore, it is crucial to pick the best MBA school to ensure its value in your life and career. There are various MBA programs offered overseas that cater to different student groups. Based on your educational background, years of work experience, and convenience; the well-known MBA programs overseas are listed below−

  • Full-time MBA − This program is for working folks who are prepared to quit their jobs or students who want to study full-time before opting for a job and devote their entire week to classes and study on weekdays.

  • Part-time MBA − Those who want to advance their careers by learning managerial abilities while staying in the workforce can choose a part-time MBA.

  • Executive MBA − This program is intended for senior executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and other business professionals who are currently employed.

  • Global MBA − It seeks to give its students exposure to global business. Classes are held in various learning venues, and occasionally in many nations and cultures as well.

How to Select MBA Stream?

“Which MBA program is best for me?” This is a frequent source of confusion for MBA hopefuls. We have outlined the factors to take into account when choosing the best MBA school to address this question−

Program's Duration

The conventional MBA programs last two years. MBA programs are being created by business schools that can be finished in just over a year. The number of credit hours is comparable between one and two years. The calendar is what distinguishes the programs; one-year programs offer classes on most days of the week, on several full days each week, or even on weekends to allow for one-year curriculum completion. Fewer lessons will be held each week and weekends will often be free for two-year programs.


Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Business Analytics, Hotel Management, and other business foundations specialties are available in both one-year and two-year MBA programs. Electives are classes that provide you the opportunity to learn more about a certain topic and go beyond what is taught in the core curriculum. For instance, marketing majors may choose to enroll in a course on digital marketing. Students can explore experiential learning outside of the classroom in two-year programs as well. This can be done by participating in student organizations or taking an internship. Some two-year programs provide further format flexibility, enabling students to enroll in a mix of online and traditional courses.

The Program's Level of Intensity

Intensity and rigor are implied by a truncated curriculum. The MBA programs offered overseas have a strict timetable and curriculum, and they are very rigorous. There is less time for socializing and networking outside of the program because of the intensive nature of one-year programs, which also means less time off throughout the year. Many companies are aware of the desire and discipline necessary to complete such a program, so they are not surprised that it will need attention, stamina, and perseverance.

Tuition Costs

Along with the curriculum, another differentiating aspect to take into account when applying to MBA programs is the price of studying different types of MBA. One-year MBA programs offer the best return on investment when taking into account the time spent paying for tuition and lost wages. Less time away from the workplace also means being able to keep up with developments.


Beyond those coveted starting wages, return on investment (ROI) is innately personal.

For instance, Forbes rankings are derived on pre- and post-MBA pay, location, and career choice and are solely based on ROI. While other media, such as The Economist rankings, measure ROI in terms of one-year gain to determine early value from first-year earnings against tuition, Forbes analyses the five-year gain for MBAs across a variety of crucial parameters. Remember that your return on investment may be reduced if you choose to attend a lower-ranked university because of the tuition costs. Better programs cost more money upfront but typically yield bigger returns over time.

Career Opportunities for an MBA graduate

The range of professional options after earning an MBA overseas is considerable. One gains the necessary knowledge and abilities while enrolled in their chosen MBA program, which aids them in entering the demanding job market.

Following is a list of some popular job titles for MBA graduates along with their typical salaries −

Job Title Average Salary
Senior Analyst $67,000-$125,000
Financial Analyst $51,000-$88,0000
Business &data analyst $40,000-$90,000
System administrator $46,000-$92,000
Human resources specialist $46,000-$75,000
IT Manager $57,000-$92,000

Final Thoughts

Your work opportunities may be greater in terms of quantity and quality if you hold an MBA. Evidently, you have a greater chance of landing the position you want if you have experience through an MBA route.

The time is now to return to school or continue your education because more companies around the world are wanting to hire MBA graduates.

Potential compensation for MBA grads is higher in several industries. Business majors are more likely to make more money; thus your degree will likely pay for itself over time.

Updated on: 11-Jan-2023


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