How to run an infinite loop in Tkinter?

To run an infinite loop in Tkinter, we will use the after method to call a method recursively after a specified time period until the user decides to stop the loop. Let's take a simple example and see how to start and stop an infinite loop.

Steps −

  • Import the required libraries and create an instance of tkinter frame.

  • Set the size of the frame using win.geometry method.

  • Next, create a user-defined function "infinite_loop" which will call itself recursively and print a statement on the window.

  • Define two more user-defined functions, start() and stop(), to control the infinite_loop. Define a global variable "condition". Inside start(), set condition=True and inside stop(), set condition=False.

  • Create two buttons to call the start() and stop() functions.

  • Use the after() method to call the infinite_loop recursively after every 1 second.

  • Finally, run the mainloop of the application window.


# Import the required library
from tkinter import *

# Create an instance of tkinter frame

# Set the size of the Tkinter window

# Define a function to print something inside infinite loop
def infinite_loop():
   if condition:
      Label(win, text="Infinite Loop!", font="Arial, 25").pack()

   # Call the infinite_loop() again after 1 sec win.after(1000, infinite_loop)

def start():
   global condition

def stop():
   global condition

# Create a button to start the infinite loop
start = Button(win, text= "Start the Loop", font="Arial, 12", command=start).pack()
stop = Button(win, text="Stop the Loop", font="Arial, 12", command=stop).pack()

# Call the infinite_loop function after 1 sec.
win.after(1000, infinite_loop)



When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

Click the button "Start the Loop" to run the infinite loop which will keep printing "Infinite Loop!" after every second. Click "Stop the Loop" to stop the infinite loop.

Updated on: 26-Oct-2021

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