How to resize the Azure VM using Azure CLI in PowerShell?

To resize the Azure VM using az CLI, we can use “az vm resize” command. Before running this command, make sure you are connected to the Azure cloud and the proper Azure subscription.

To get the current size of the VM,

PS C:\> az vm show -n Win2k16VM1 -g testvmrg --query 'hardwareProfile.vmSize'



Here, -n is the VM name, and -g is the resource group name.

To get the VM location,

PS C:\> az vm show -n Win2k16VM1 -g testvmrg --query 'location'



We will now get all the sizes available at the particular location so that we can resize the VM from the sizes listed.

PS C:\> az vm list-sizes -l eastus -otable


To resize the VM with Standard_B2s size.

PS C:\> az vm resize -n Win2k16VM1 -g testvmrg --size Standard_B2s

When we check the size again,

PS C:\> az vm show -n Win2k16VM1 -g testvmrg --query 'hardwareProfile.vmSize'


Updated on: 02-Sep-2021


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