How to remove empty tags using BeautifulSoup in Python?

BeautifulSoup is a python library that pulls out the data from HTML and XML files. Using BeautifulSoup, we can also remove the empty tags present in HTML or XML documents and further convert the given data into human readable files.

First, we will install BeautifulSoup library in our local environment using the command: pip install beautifulsoup4


#Import the BeautifulSoup library

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

#Get the html document
html_object = """
<p>Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose
programming language. Python's design
philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of
significant indentation.</p>

#Let us create the soup for the given html document
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_object, "lxml")

#Iterate over each line of the document and extract the data
for x in soup.find_all():
   if len(x.get_text(strip=True)) == 0:



Running the above code will generate the output and convert the given HTML document into human readable code by removing empty tags in it.

<html><body><p>Python is an interpreted, high−level and general−purpose programming
language. Python's design
philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant indentation.</p>

Updated on: 06-Mar-2021


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