How to remove Crypto Virus?

Ransomware viruses are malicious software and are generally designed to block access to a computer system until some amount of money is paid. The makers of this software are earning a lot of money from this.

Crypto-ransomware is one such type of harmful program that encrypts files stored on a computer or mobile device, or laptop and can be decrypted when you pay a certain amount of money. Unfortunately, the encryption then mixes the content of the whole file, which makes it unreadable, so if the user wants to restore it to use the context of that file, they first need to make it readable, for which a decryption key is required.

A crypto-ransomware does not remain hidden. On the contrary, it shows itself very prominently in the form of messages, so you pay attention to them, and then they will pressurize you to pay the ransom.

How Does a Crypto Virus Spread?

There are generally two primary ways in which your system may get affected by this Crypto virus −

  • You may receive it in the form of some files or messages through text messages or emails or even when you allow the system to fill the captcha.

  • Sometimes, it may also get downloaded in your system with the help of other threats like Trojan downloaders or some exploit kits available on the Internet.

What to do if Infected with Crypto Virus?

If by any chance, your system gets a Crypto virus or any of your devices gets affected due to this, then the following steps can help you in getting the least possible damage of the infected files −

  • Your immediate step should be to stop it from spreading into other systems, which is possible if your system is connected to any Internet or some network. Hence, the first thing you should do is to disconnect the system from every connected device or network.

  • The next step should be to check whether the previously connected devices had received any virus when combined with the infected system.

  • After identifying whether the connected systems are infected or not, you should check if they are infected then by which type of ransomware virus. As it's said, you can't cure a person without knowing what kind of disease they have.

  • After identifying the infected systems and all the kinds of viruses, the next step should be to recover the infected data. The most usual step would be to format and re-install the device to safeguard the system from viruses, but this is not always possible if the data lost is very sensitive.

  • In such cases, for some ransomware viruses, there are removal tools available on the Internet so you can check if the virus you have in the system falls under this category or not?

  • The encrypted data from the crypto virus can sometimes be also available in clean backups of the system from where it can be recovered.

  • Suppose it is not possible to decrypt in such a way. In that case, legal laws enforce the authorities to avoid paying to the software operators responsible for crypto-ransomware.

  • And once this is done, report this incident to the appropriate local law enforcement authority and ensure all the software programs installed after this are updated with the latest security patches available.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2021


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