How to remove all dashes from SSN(social security numbers) in Excel?

In the article, we may go to remove or delete all dashes that are created in the cells that we have inserted the data in Microsoft Excel. The users have to analyze the data to remove or delete only dashes in all social security numbers by using the Formula. The users have to delete the dashes by using the Ku-tools tab also. This method may be completed utilizing a straightforward way within Microsoft Excel by using the Remove by Position tab to remove the dashes. Various inbuilt functions are presented in the MS Excel to resolve the complex computational tasks. Macro with VBA code also aids users to automate repeated tasks.

Let’s explore the examples one by one.

Example 1: By Using the Formula

Step 1

Deliberate the Excel worksheet. Open the Microsoft Excel sheet and insert the data from the cells A1 to C9 as you need as shown below.

Step 2

In the Excel sheet, select the row C to remove all dashes from SSN, place the pointer in the cell D2 and enter the formula that is =SUBSTITUTE(C2,"-","") then press enter tab that will display the social security number without dashes. It will remove the dashes in the cell as shown below.

Step 3

In the Excel sheet, select the row C to remove all dashes from SSN, place the pointer in the cell D3 and enter the formula that is =SUBSTITUTE(C3, "-","") then press Enter tab that will display the social security number without dashes. It will remove the dashes in the cell as shown below.

Step 4

In the sheet, place the pointer in cell C2 and use the fill handle to drag the data to cell C9 then it will display all the data without dashes in row C as shown below.

Example 2: By Using Ku-tools

Step 1

In the Excel sheet, we have to remove all of the dashes from the cells. Locate the pointer and select all the dashes that you want to remove from the cells then place the pointer within the ribbon dataset. Place the pointer within the Ku-tools tab and connect to the tab that has countless options encompassed. On the Ku-tools tab, place the pointer and connect to the Text tab that has the drop-down menu. In the menu, choose and link to the option Remove by Position tab in the Editing group that will open the dialog box as shown below.

Step 2

In the dialog box, place the pointer in the Numbers tab and type 1 then enable the option Specify. In the input type, enter the number 4 that will count the 4 digits from the rightmost side in the SSN. It will display the updated data in the Preview pane then click on the OK button as shown below.

Step 2

In the dialog box, place the pointer in the Numbers tab and type 1 then enable the option Specify. In the input type, enter the number 6 that will count the 6 digits from the rightmost side in the SSN. It will display the updated data in the Preview pane then click on the ok button as shown below.

With the help of the user defined formula, the users may eliminate all dashes that is present in the cells. The users created the student number with dashes that the users have to remove differently. We may use the Ku-tools tab to remove the characters with the Remove by position tab which will remove all of the dashes at the same time. They have to practice the vital choices from the ribbon and update the data.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023

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