How to Randomize Lines in a File in Linux

In Linux, it is often useful to randomize lines of a file. This can be helpful when working with large datasets or when performing certain operations that require lines of a file to be in a random order. In this article, we will discuss different ways to randomize lines in a file in Linux.

Using 'shuf' command

The 'shuf' command is a Linux utility that can be used to randomly shuffle lines in a file. To use 'shuf' command, you need to have it installed on your system. Most Linux distributions come with 'shuf' pre-installed, but if it is not installed on your system, you can install it using package manager.

To randomize lines in a file using 'shuf' command, you can use following syntax −

shuf file.txt > randomfile.txt

This command will shuffle lines in 'file.txt' and save output to 'randomfile.txt'.

You can also shuffle only a specific number of lines from file using '-n' option. For example, following command will shuffle only first 10 lines of file −

shuf -n 10 file.txt > randomfile.txt

Using 'sort' command

The 'sort' command is a powerful utility in Linux that can be used to sort data in various ways, including sorting in a random order. To randomize lines in a file using 'sort' command, you can use following syntax −

sort -R file.txt > randomfile.txt

This command will shuffle lines in 'file.txt' and save output to 'randomfile.txt'.

Using 'awk' command

The 'awk' command is a powerful text processing utility that can be used to perform a wide range of text manipulation operations. To randomize lines in a file using 'awk' command, you can use following syntax −

awk 'BEGIN {srand()} {print rand(), $0}' file.txt | sort -n | cut -d ' ' -f2- > randomfile.txt

This command uses 'rand()' function in 'awk' to generate a random number for each line in file, and then sorts lines based on generated random number. 'cut' command is used to remove random number from output.

Using 'perl' command

The 'perl' command is a powerful scripting language that can be used to perform a wide range of text manipulation operations. To randomize lines in a file using 'perl' command, you can use following syntax −

perl -e 'print rand()," $_" for <>;' file.txt | sort -n | cut -d ' ' -f2- > randomfile.txt

This command uses 'rand()' function in 'perl' to generate a random number for each line in file, and then sorts lines based on generated random number. 'cut' command is used to remove random number from output.

Using 'python' command

The 'python' command is a powerful scripting language that can be used to perform a wide range of text manipulation operations. To randomize lines in a file using 'python' command, you can use following syntax −

python -c 'import random,sys; lines=sys.stdin.readlines(); random.shuffle(lines); print("".join(lines))' < file.txt > randomfile.txt

This command uses 'random.shuffle()' function in 'python' to shuffle lines in file.

Here are some additional tips and considerations for randomizing lines in a file in Linux −

  • It is a good practice to make a backup copy of original file before randomizing lines. This can help you avoid data loss or corruption in case something goes wrong during randomization process.

  • Some commands may require additional options or arguments to work correctly with certain file formats or encodings. For example, if your file contains non-ASCII characters or uses a specific encoding, you may need to specify encoding using appropriate command option.

  • If you need to randomize lines in multiple files, you can use wildcards or regular expressions to match files. For example, following command will randomize lines in all files with '.txt' extension in current directory −

shuf *.txt > randomfile.txt
  • If you need to randomize lines in a file repeatedly, you can use a shell script or a command alias to automate process. This can save you time and effort, especially if you need to perform operation frequently.

  • When randomizing lines in a file, keep in mind that output may not be truly random if input file has a specific structure or pattern. For example, if lines in file are already sorted or grouped in a specific way, randomization may not be evenly distributed across lines. To avoid this, you can preprocess input file to remove any patterns or structures that may bias randomization.

  • Finally, it is worth noting that randomizing lines in a file is not always necessary or useful, depending on context and specific task at hand. In some cases, preserving original order of lines may be more important or informative than randomizing them. Therefore, before randomizing lines in a file, make sure to consider implications and potential benefits of doing so, and choose appropriate method accordingly.


Randomizing lines in a file is a simple but powerful technique that can be used in various scenarios in Linux. In this article, we have discussed several ways to randomize lines in a file using different commands such as 'shuf', 'sort', 'awk', 'perl', and 'python'. Each command has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choice of command depends on specific use case.

For example, 'shuf' command is simplest and most straightforward way to randomize lines in a file. It is also very fast and efficient, especially for large files. On other hand, 'awk' and 'perl' commands are more powerful and flexible, and they can be used to perform more complex text manipulation operations along with line randomization.

In summary, randomizing lines in a file is a useful technique in Linux that can be used to manipulate and analyze data in various ways. By using different commands discussed in this article, you can easily randomize lines in a file and achieve desired results.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023

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