How to quickly rank non-continuous range in Excel?

One of the most popular software programs in the world is excel which provides a variety of capabilities to make data management and mathematical jobs easier. Excel is a crucial tool for organizing data. Although it comes with a number of built-in functions for sorting and ranking data, at first glance working with non-continuous ranges could seem difficult. Ranking values according to particular criteria is one such priceless feature that enables users to quickly spot trends or conduct in-depth analyses of large data sets. In this article, we will explore how we can quickly rank non-continuous ranges in Excel by following a few simple steps.

Quickly Rank Non-continuous Range Using “RANK” Function

Step 1

This method involves utilizing additional columns to achieve the desired ranking result. Assume we have a dataset with several columns containing information about sales figures for different products. Create a column (like Column B) next to the range we want to rank (like Column A), where the ranks will be displayed. To facilitate ranking in Excel, ensure each value within our target range is unique. If there are duplicates that need differentiation, consider adding extra criteria such as dates or other attributes so that two seemingly identical values can be distinguished.

Step 2

In cell B1 (corresponding to our helper column), enter the formula " =RANK(A1,($A$1,$A$4,$A$8,$A$12))" and press Enter.

Step 3

Drag down cell B1 while selected to copy down this formula for all cells corresponding to our dataset range.


In Microsoft Excel, we can quickly rank non-continuous ranges with precision even while working with tied values by using either assistance columns or strong array formulae. These strategies enable users to efficiently analyze a variety of datasets without largely relying on manual sorting procedures. For all Excel fans, experimenting with these approaches will certainly increase productivity and make data analysis chores simpler.

Updated on: 19-Oct-2023


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