How to Quickly Print Comments in Excel?

Excel, a powerful tool for data management and analysis, offers an array of features that streamline tasks and boost productivity. One such feature is the ability to add comments within cells, providing helpful insights or explanations for data entries. Printing these comments alongside our worksheet can be immensely useful during presentations or when sharing information with colleagues or clients. In this article, we will explore some efficient methods on how to quickly print comments in Excel.

Benefits of giving Comments in Excel

  • Enhanced Communication

    One significant advantage of utilizing comments in Excel is improved communication within spreadsheets. By allowing users to leave notes or explanations directly next to specific cells or data ranges, comments provide a convenient platform for collaborative work. Team members can add valuable insights without altering or cluttering surrounding information. This encourages seamless knowledge sharing among colleagues resulting in enhanced comprehension and more efficient teamwork.

  • Contextual Clarity

    Comments offer valuable contextual details that accompany specific cell values or formulas within an Excel sheet. These annotations are essential when sharing complex calculations or unique scenarios with others who may not be familiar with the underlying logic behind your work. By providing additional context through these remarks, you enable users to grasp complex concepts swiftly and accurately interpret your intentions−ultimately avoiding confusion or misinterpretation.

  • Streamlined Workflow

    Comments streamline workflow processes by acting as reminders for future modifications or updates required within spreadsheets collaboratively worked upon by multiple team members. These personal time stamps allow contributors to pinpoint areas needing attention promptly without lengthy email chains or external communication channels.

  • Audit Trail Facility

    For organizations placing great emphasis on transparency and accountability, comment functionalities help create an audit trail within an Excel sheet effortlessly−making it easy to track relevant discussions during decision−making processes related to particular cells, formulas, tables, or columns reducing human errors in complex reporting tasks effectively.

  • Technical Assistance and Learning

    Comments serve as an excellent tool not only for beginners but also for experienced Excel users. Users can leave comments to explain certain complex formulas, functions, or procedures they have developed. This aspect acts as a great learning mechanism when working in teams − allowing members to enhance their individual skills indirectly while collaborating on projects.

Example 1: Printing Comments in Excel Using the 'Page setup' Options

Step 1

Excel's Page Setup options allow users to control what they want printed in their worksheets. Select the range including cells containing comments.

  • Hold Ctrl while selecting multiple areas with comment boxes.

  • Ensure you have selected all desired cells.

Step 2

Access the 'Page Layout' tab. Click on 'Print Titles.' A dialog box labeled 'Page Setup' will appear. Here we can modify additional settings related to printing.

Step 3

Navigate to the 'Sheet' tab within the 'Page Setup' dialog box. Find a section labeled as 'Print’. Then, locate and choose the option named "At end of sheet" under "Comments". Adjust other print settings (optional). We may need to adjust margins, orientation, and paper size using available options within this dialog box based on our requirements.

Step 4

Print the document. Click on OK after modifying any necessary settings before proceeding with printing as usual through File > Print or by pressing Ctrl + P.

Example 2: Printing Comments in Excel Using the VBA Macro

Step 1

This method is ideal for bulk printing large number of comments. Open the Excel worksheet containing comments.

Step 2

  • (For Windows users): Press Alt+F11 to open Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Editor. Alternatively, go to Developer −> Visual Basic from the top menu.

  • (For Mac users): Unfortunately, VBA macros cannot be executed in native Mac Office applications. However, we can run them using third−party apps like Parallels Desktop or by utilizing online VBA editor platforms intended specifically for macOS.

Step 3

In VBA Editor insert a new module by going to Insert −> Module.

Step 4

Later, Copy and paste the following code into the blank module:

Sub Print_Comments()
    Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = g4CommentAndIndicator
    ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintComments = g4PrintSheetEnd
    '(or) ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintComments = g4PrintInPlace
End Sub

The above code prints all comment sheets at once. If we want only specific sheets or different options, modify them accordingly based on our requirements.

Step 5

Press F5 or click Run from the toolbar's menu and then choose Run Sub or UserForm option OR press Ctrl + G shortcut.

Step 6

The final window will be displayed as below with only the comments from the excel sheet.


Printing comments in Excel is often overlooked but can greatly enhance data understanding and presentation. By following these methods, users can quickly configure their worksheets to print not only cell contents but also associated annotations. Whether we prefer adjusting settings via Page Setup or utilizing macros, it's important to test out various methods based on personal preference and printing requirements. With these helpful techniques at hand, efficiently printing comment−rich spreadsheets becomes an uncomplicated task within Excel's versatile environment.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023


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