How to quickly insert windows username in cell in Excel?

Excel is a crucial tool for many people and professionals and offers a wide range of capabilities to boost productivity. One such feature is the ability to enter the Windows username into an Excel spreadsheet. Excel is a powerful application that enables users to effectively modify data. When using spreadsheets, it can be helpful to automatically enter the window's username into specific cells. This simple function improves team tracking and collaboration. In this article, we will go through numerous techniques for quickly inserting our Windows username into an Excel sheet.

Quickly Inserting Windows Username in Cell Using “VBA code”

Step 1

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) enables automation and customization within Excel. Follow these steps to insert the Windows username using a VBA macro. Open an existing or new workbook on Excel.

Step 2

Press "Alt" + "F11" to access the Visual Basic Editor. Navigate to "Insert," then choose "Module."

Step 3

The VBA code to insert windows username is given below, simply copy and paste in the module. Then close the VBA editor.

Sub InsertWindowsUsername()
   Dim UserName As String
   UserName = Environ("UserName")
   MsgBox "Your user name is " & UserName, vbInformation, "User Name"
   'Window's UserName is inserted in the active cell
   ActiveCell.Value = UserName
End Sub

The code utilizes `Environ("UserName")` function to retrieve the window user's name.

Step 4

Select any cell where we want to display your Windows username. Go to "View" → "Macros", select "InsertWindowsUsername," and click on "Run."

Step 5

Our Windows username will be shown directly in the pop-up window.

Also, the username is inserted in the active cell.


The quick technique makes it exceedingly simple to add our Windows login to an Excel spreadsheet. Using VBA, the operation may be completed quickly in this case. By using this method, we improve teamwork by keeping track of who modified a certain file, increasing productivity in a variety of data-driven initiatives.

Updated on: 19-Oct-2023

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