How to produce your content hard to copy

Now, online marketing is in top. How fast numbers of new websites are uploading on internet every day, that much fast numbers of pages and duplication increasing. Due to increasing numbers of websites and websites pages, how difficult for a website owner to know their pages contents are duplicating to other places or not or if same to same copy-paste is not there then to people take the same theme from other websites, do the necessary changes (words and grammar) to avoid duplication and paste to their own website with their name, but this process doesn’t give very good result and increase viewers.

If, you are a reader, definitely you like to read unique and interesting content, but as a writer, you like to get similar kind of content from different sites to write content in better manner.

However, content is unique/duplicate, main aim of any writer is to attract more and more viewers. Let’s see how this can be possible,

Present clear words with proper information

Before writing on any topic make sure that your grammar, words and skills on the topic you are going to write should be very much clear, because your each and every word can creates magic. Your wording should be powerful to attract readers, not to send them back to some other website. Your readers should be fan of your writing and always like to see fresh topics on your site.

Once your readers get satisfied that they got the right thing on right place, they will become a fan and regular readers of your site, readers keep record of your site and will refer to more and more people.

If, your website always provides good thing according to your reader’s requirement, always try to maintain the same image in front of your readers, always update your website to what you have promised with each and every point. Try to be honest with your readers, know about their requirement and try to fulfil on time with all points. Do lots of research work before uploading anything on your website. Always update your site with things that are top in the market.

Offer expert suggestion

It is good that you are much more interested in providing information and you are expert on your field, but then to readers need some expert suggestion before getting into your tips and tricks. Find out an expert and ask some questions related to the particular field and offer it to your readers. Most of the readers are having trust on expert instead of common writer. Information that you display should be very much clear, informative and detailed form to engage readers and attract more and more readers.

Tell stories on a particular topic

In the real world, if we want to give explanation on a particular topic, the best way is to give example on that topic. Examples make things more interesting and understandable and engage readers with story. Simply, keep a small story in-between two paragraphs related to the topic. Story makes the content more understandable and interesting and engage readers that they don’t look back towards any other content.


All above process are very much worth, but require hard-work. It is not like simply getting certain things from Google and pasting into your website, your intelengecy work here. Making readers are not so easy task, once you made, you don’t want to leave them, so always try to update your site with fresh and new content.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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