How to Produce K evenly spaced float values in Python?

Introduction to Produce K evenly spaced float values in Python

This article will focus on how to produce k evenly spaced float value using Python. As we know python is an open-source, flexible programming language that offers a huge number of functions for manipulating data and analysis. In this article, we will understand how to produce k evenly spaced float values in Python, where k would be the number of values that has to be printed.

The method to find evenly-spaced float values is used in many real-life applications such as in scientific computing, data visualization, and in mathematical operations. It can be helpful to create datasets with uniform distribution of values that help in the accurate analysis and visualization of data. Learning the functions available in Python for producing evenly-spaced float values is quite helpful for data scientists or programmers working with numerical data.

In this article, we are going to learn two ways to solve the problem. We will also learn the step-by-step breakdown of both ways in detail. We will learn about the syntax of the functions used in the article with an explained example to get more clarity on the problem.

So, now let us now learn the different approaches to produce evenly spaced float values in Python.


Let us now learn how we can solve the problem using two approaches.

Approach 1: Using Loops

In this approach, we are going to use a loop to solve the problem. First, we are going to find the difference between the two numbers i.e. a and b and then we will divide it by the third number which is c to calculate the equal interval between the values. After that, we are going to add the product of the interval with the iteration count with the start value i.e. a.

Here is the breakdown of the approach for the code

  • First we are going to declare a list named "result" for storing the evenly spaced values.

  • After that we are defining a function called "evenly_spaced_float_values" which will take three parameters a, b, and c where a is the starting number b is the ending number and c is the number of values between a and b.

  • Inside the function first we are calculating the difference between a and b and then divide it by c to calculate the equal intervals between a and b and store that value in the variable named "diff".

  • After that we are starting a loop which will range from 1 to "c+1". In the loop, we are adding the start value which is with the product of diff and "i".

  • And that value is appended in the result list using append() function.

  • The final result list is then displayed on the console screen displaying the numbers between two numbers.

This program allows the user to enter the numbers between which they want to display the evenly spaced float values and it also allows them to choose the number of values they want between the numbers.

Code for the first approach

# Declaring list
result = []
def evenly_spaced_float_values(a,b,c):
   # Calculating differences and storing in diff variable
   diff = (b - a) / c
   # using a loop to add numbers to the result
   for i in range(1, c + 1):
      result.append(a + (diff * i))
   # printing result
   a = int(input("Enter First Number "))
   b = int(input("Enter Second Number "))
   c = int(input("Enter range "))

Approach 2: Using numpy linspace function

In this approach, we are going to use linspace function. linspace function is used to create evenly spaced sequences in a specified interval. In this method, we will ask the user for their input which will be stored in a,b, and c and then we will pass these values as arguments to linspace function which would give us the evenly spaced float values between a and b.

So, the breakdown of the program is

  • First we have imported the nympy module as np in our program so that we can use linspace function.

  • And then we have declared the result list which will store the list of numbers generated by linspace function.

  • When the program executes it asks for user input for "First Number", "Second Number" and "Range"(how many number should be there in between a and b).

  • Then a function named evenly spaced float values is called which takes three arguments which are a,b, and c.

  • Inside the function a,b, and c are passed to linspace function to generate the evenly spaced float values.

  • Generated values are then appended to the result list.

  • After that we used the loop to print evenly spaced float values stored in the result list.

Syntax of the used functions

linspace(start, stop, num, endpoint, retstep, dtype)

linspace is an in-built function in Python's NumPy library. It is used to create an evenly spaced sequence in a specified interval.

  • start − It denotes the initial value from which the interval begins.

  • stop − It signifies the final value that marks the end of the interval.

  • num − The number of evenly spaced samples to be generated within the interval. The default value is 50.

  • endpoint − When set to true, it indicates that the stopping value should be included in the interval.

  • retstep − A boolean value that determines whether the step size between consecutive numbers should be returned.

  • dtype − It specifies the data type assigned to the elements within the array.

Code for the second approach


import numpy as np
result = []
# Define the range and number of values
def evenly_spaced_float_values(a,b,c):
   # Generate the evenly spaced float values
   result.append(np.linspace(a, b, c))
   a = int(input("Enter First Number "))
   b = int(input("Enter Second Number "))
   c = int(input("Enter Range "))

# Print the resulting values
for value in result:

Let us now understand it with an example. In this example, we will be generating the 12 evenly spaced float values between 11 and 30. So we will pass these values to our program which will calculate the evenly spaced float values.


So the output result would be the list of float values which is −

[11.0, 12.54545455, 14.09090909, 15.63636364, 17.18181818, 18.72727273, 20.27272727, 21.81818182, 23.36363636, 24.90909091, 26.45454545, 28.0]

As we can observe that within the specific range i.e. 12 in this case each value is equally spaced.

This example shows the process of generating evenly-spaced float values using Python.


In this article, we have learned how we can print evenly-spaced float values in Python in two different ways. The first is using loops and the second is through linspace function. This can be a useful real-life application in data visualization, Signal Processing, mathematical models, Machine Learning, etc. This will also help us in improving our programming skills.

Updated on: 04-Oct-2023


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