How to print XPath Expression result in JSP?

The <x:out> tag displays the result of an XPath expression. It functions the same as <%= %> JSP syntax.


The <x:out> tag has the following attributes −

selectXPath expression to evaluate as a string, often using XPath variablesYesNone
escapeXmlTrue if the tag should escape special XML charactersNotrue


Let us take an example which will cover the tags (a) <x:out>, (b) <x:parse>.

<%@ taglib prefix = "c" uri = "" %>
<%@ taglib prefix = "x" uri = "" %>
      <title>JSTL x:out Tags</title>
      <h3>Books Info:</h3>
       <c:set var = "xmltext">
                <name>Padam History</name>
                <name>Great Mistry</name>
      <x:parse xml = "${xmltext}" var = "output"/>
      <b>The title of the first book is</b>:
      <x:out select = "$output/books/book[1]/name" />
      <b>The price of the second book</b>:
      <x:out select = "$output/books/book[2]/price" />

The above code will produce the following result −

Books Info:
The title of the first book is: Padam History
The price of the second book: 2000

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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