How to Prevent Page Break Across Merged Cells in Excel?

Excel's page breaks may sometimes wreak havoc on the layout of your spreadsheet and make it more difficult to read. Page splits in the midst of merged cells are something that happens all the time. A merged cell is the name given to the cell that is formed as a consequence of the fusion of two or more cells. If a combined cell is split up into its component parts by a page break, the data may seem disjointed and jumbled. Therefore, to maintain the integrity of your spreadsheet in its entirety, you should avoid having page breaks in areas that include merged cells.

Excel users may prevent having page breaks appear in the combined cells by adding a manual page break prior to the merge. How? Please keep reading if you're interested!

Why Does it Happen?

Page breaks in Excel are automatically determined by the size of your data and the chosen print settings. When you have merged cells that span across multiple rows or columns, Excel considers each individual cell within the merged range as a separate entity for determining page breaks. As a result, if the page break falls within the range of merged cells, it will split the merged cell and potentially disrupt the formatting.

Preventing page breaks across merged cells −

  • Unmerge cells − The most straightforward solution is to unmerge the cells that are causing the issue. Select the merged cells, right-click, choose "Format Cells," navigate to the Alignment tab, and click the "Merge cells" checkbox to unmerge them. Adjust the content within the cells accordingly.

  • Adjust cell sizes − If unmerging cells is not desirable, you can adjust the row height or column width to accommodate the merged cell content without breaking across pages. Select the row(s) or column(s) containing the merged cells, right-click, choose "Row Height" or "Column Width," and set a larger size to ensure the merged content fits on a single page.

  • Adjust print settings − Excel's print settings determine how your spreadsheet is divided into pages. By adjusting these settings, you can prevent page breaks across merged cells. Go to the Page Layout tab, click on the small arrow in the bottom-right corner of the Page Setup group, navigate to the Sheet tab, and adjust the scaling options, such as adjusting the "Fit to" values or setting a custom number of pages wide and tall.

To avoid the page break from occurring, choose the row above the combined cells.

In Excel, choose the tab labeled "Page Layout" from the ribbon.

In the "Page Setup" section, choose the "Break" button.

The option to "Insert Page Break" should be in the context menu.

The page break should be indicated by a dashed line.

When you print the Excel sheet from now on, the combined cells' contents will not spread over numerous pages but rather remain neatly contained inside one.

Keeping your worksheet neat and simple to read is essential if you want to convey your data clearly. A polished and professional worksheet has several features, one of which is the elimination of page gaps caused by merged cells. Make your spreadsheets more legible and easy to use with the help of Excel's many features and capabilities, and you'll be able to present your data clearly and concisely.


Preventing page breaks across merged cells in Excel is essential for maintaining the formatting and readability of your spreadsheet. By unmerging cells, adjusting cell sizes, or modifying print settings, you can ensure that merged cells remain intact and do not split across pages. Taking these preventive measures will help you present your data more effectively and avoid any confusion or disruption caused by page breaks.

Updated on: 17-Oct-2023


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