How to prepare your body for turning the clocks ahead for Daylight saving time?

Does the start of Daylight-Saving Time throw off your sleep schedule and leave you groggy for days? You're not alone! You can handle this situation with ease with the right guidance. In this regard, we'll share some simple yet effective tips. Know how to prepare your body for turning the clocks ahead. You can wake up supercharged to take on the day like a pro. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, we hope this blog will help you adjust your internal clock like a pro!

Why is this important?

Preparing your body for Daylight Saving Time can be essential to a successful transition, as the unexpected shift to new sleeping and waking hours can be difficult on your health. Adjusting the clocks ahead requires us to adjust our routines and schedules, taking care of tasks earlier than usual and losing an hour of sleep. To make this transition easier, it is important to get organized by setting daily reminders and preparing our bodies in advance by gradually adjusting our sleep schedules so that we are better prepared when the clocks are changed. Additionally, exposure to light during daytime hours can help our bodies adjust more easily, ultimately helping us gain control over what was once a jarring adjustment.

Tips to Consider

Now here are some tips to use.

Follow a Sleep Cycle

Now, this is a known fact that getting enough sleep is important for our body, and if we don't get enough sleep, it can make way for a lot of problems. The first thing you can do to prepare your body for turning the clocks ahead for daylight saving time is to prepare and follow a sleep cycle. You need to allow your body to rest. A proper sleep cycle will ensure that your body is not affected too much when it loses one hour of sleep due to daylight saving. If you don't have a sleep schedule or are not following one right now, simply try to adhere to a sleep cycle from now onwards. You just sleep at the same time and wake up at that same time. You decide which allows your body to rest properly. Also, restrict your daily caffeine intake. One should limit the caffeine starting from late afternoon. Making your room dark and cool also goes a long way in making you fall asleep faster.

Shift your Sleep

Now, this may sound uncomfortable, but it surely is one of the easiest ways to prepare your body for turning the clocks ahead for Daylight saving time. First, you can start waking up 15 minutes earlier every day. This gives your body enough time to adjust to the sleep cycle gradually hit. This not only saves our body from suddenly losing one hour of sleep but also goes a long way in teaching the habit of waking up early. Many studies have also highlighted the importance of avoiding alcohol before bedtime as a great way of preparing your body for turning the clocks ahead for Daylight saving time.

Making Changes to Your Dinner Schedule

The correct time to eat dinner has always been a question people have had different answers to. Over the recent past, a lot of people and even medical professionals have confirmed that it's not a good idea to eat dinner too close to your bedtime. This not only hampers the digestion process but even makes it harder to fall asleep. The simple reason for this is that our bodies are focused on digestion after eating. Experts suggest that a person should be done with their last meal of the day at least 3 hours before they sleep. Recent studies suggest that you should move your dinner time a little early, gradually starting with 15 minutes. This would ensure that you're done with your meal as per the clock shift about to happen and that your body is able to sleep when you try to go to sleep earlier than its normal time.

Switch the Clocks

Daylight saving time is rather tricky. To remove the confusion on the first morning of Daylight saving time, you should switch the clocks before you go to bed the night before. This removes the confusion and makes doing everything a little easier the next day by removing the abrupt feeling you might feel due to the confusion. Since it's a known fact that changing routine due to daylight saving time can take as much as two days, switching clocks in advance can help to transition more smoothly.


Even though the clock change is confusing, there is one natural way of dealing with it too. Experts suggest getting enough sunlight during the start of the day also prepares your body well for daylight saving. Being in natural sunlight simply puts your body in a position to tune itself with the sun. This ensures you feel energetic during the day even though the clock and your sleep schedule might change. This goes a long way in setting our body clock properly. One thing to avoid is waking up to blue light from mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. You should wake up and soak in the natural sunlight with your favourite tea or coffee.

Relaxation Exercises

One of the most underrated ways to deal with daylight saving time is by performing relaxation exercises or activities. With such exercises, you can reduce a lot of stress from your body, making it relatively easier for your body to transition to the new clock time. One advantage of these exercises is that you can perform them at any time during the day. Incorporating these exercises in your routine at least a week or two before the clock switch can help you tackle daylight saving in a far, much better way. To add to the list, these exercises even help you to fall asleep faster and even sleep again if you wake up in the middle of the night.


See, it's pretty easy. Follow these simple tips and ensure your body is ready for the time change. You can also rest assured that you don't suffer any ill effects from it. Sufficient rest, healthy meals and hydration are enough to prepare your body for Daylight Saving Time. Additionally, adjusting your sleep schedule before the time change can help significantly with adjusting to the new timeline.

Updated on: 05-Apr-2023


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