How to parse XML and count instances of a particular node attribute in Python?

Parsing XML and counting instances of a particular node attribute in Python can be achieved through various methods. XML is a widely used format for storing and exchanging structured data. Python provides several libraries and approaches for parsing XML, including ElementTree, lxml, and xml.etree.ElementTree.

In this article, we will learn how to parse XML and count instances of a particular node attribute in Python. We will cover different approaches using the available XML parsing libraries and demonstrate practical examples. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to parse XML and count instances of a particular node attribute, enabling you to handle XML data more effectively in your Python projects.

Approches to parse XML and count instances of node attribute

To parse XML files and count the instances of a particular node attribute, there are various methods that can be used. Let's explore those methods to accomplish this task:

Approach 1: Using ElementTree

In this method, we are going to use the ElementTree library to parse the XML. ElementTree is a library part of the Python standard library, which gives a straightforward and proficient method for parsing and control XML records. For parsing XML data into a tree structure, it provides an API that is lightweight and simple to use.

To use this method, provide the XML file path, the name of the target node, and the attribute name you want to count. The function iterates over all instances of the specified node and checks if the desired attribute exists.


The below syntax demonstrates the parsing of an XML and counting its instances using the ElementTree library:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, my_node_name, my_attr_name):
    tree = ET.parse(my_xml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()
    count = 0
    for element in root.iter(my_node_name):
        if my_attr_name in element.attrib:
            count += 1
    return count


In the below example, an XML file (myfile.xml) is loaded using ET.parse() and the root element is obtained. By iterating over all instances of the desired node using root.iter(), the function checks if the specified attribute exists in each element's attributes. If found, the count is incremented. The final count is returned.

XML (myfile.xml)

  <item name="List Item 1" />
  <item name="List Item 2" />
  <item name="List Item 3" />
  <item name="List Item 4" />
  <item name="List Item 5" />


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, my_node_name, my_attr_name):
    tree = ET.parse(my_xml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()
    count = 0
    for element in root.iter(my_node_name):
        if my_attr_name in element.attrib:
            count += 1
    return count
# Example usage
my_xml_file = "myfile.xml"
my_node_name = "item"
my_attr_name = "name"
count = count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, my_node_name, my_attr_name)



Approach 2: Using lxml

In this method, we are going to use the lxml library to parse the XML. lxml is a Python third−party library for XML and HTML processing. It is based on top of the libxml2 and libxslt libraries, giving a strong and includes good connection point for XML handling. When compared to ElementTree, lxml provides a more extensive set of functionalities, including support for XPath, XSLT, and XML Schema validation.

To use this method, it also follows a similar pattern to ElementTree. First, import the etree module, parse the XML file, and obtain the root element. Then, iterate over the desired nodes and count the instances with the specified attribute.


The below syntax demonstrates the parsing of an XML and counting its instances using the lxml library:

from lxml import etree
def count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, my_node_name, my_attr_name):
    tree = etree.parse(my_xml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()
    count = 0
    for element in root.iter(my_node_name):
        if my_attr_name in element.attrib:
            count += 1
    return count


In this example, an XML file (example.xml) is parsed using etree.parse() and the root element is extracted. Similar to the previous method, the function iterates through the specified node instances using root.iter() and checks if the desired attribute exists in each element's attributes. If so, the count is incremented, and the final count is returned.

XML (example.xml)

  <item name="List Item 1" />
  <item name="List Item 2" />
  <item name="List Item 3" />
  <item name="List Item 4" />
  <item name="List Item 5" />


from lxml import etree
def count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, my_node_name, my_attr_name):
    tree = etree.parse(my_xml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()
    count = 0
    for element in root.iter(my_node_name):
        if my_attr_name in element.attrib:
            count += 1
    return count
# Example usage
my_xml_file = "example.xml"
my_node_name = "item"
my_attr_name = "name"
count = count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, my_node_name, my_attr_name)



Method 3: Using XPath with lxml

In this method, we are going to use the XPath with the lxml library to parse the XML. XPath is used to select nodes from an XML document. For addressing specific elements of an XML structure, it provides a powerful yet concise syntax. Complex patterns that match nodes based on their element names, attributes, and relationships to other nodes can be specified with XPath.

To use this method, simply provide the XML file path and the XPath expression as parameters to the function.


The below syntax demonstrates the parsing of an XML and counting its instances using the XPath with lxml library:

from lxml import etree
def count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, xpath_exp):
    tree = etree.parse(my_xml_file)
    count = len(tree.xpath(xpath_exp))
    return count


In this example, an XML file is parsed using etree.parse(). Instead of iterating over nodes, this method directly applies an XPath expression using tree.xpath(). The XPath expression selects all instances of the desired node with the specified attribute. The function then retrieves the length of the resulting list of nodes and returns it as the count.

XML (myfile.xml)

  <item name="List Item 1" />
  <item name="List Item 2" />
  <item name="List Item 3" />
  <item name="List Item 4" />
  <item name="List Item 5" />


from lxml import etree
def count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, xpath_exp):
    tree = etree.parse(my_xml_file)
    count = len(tree.xpath(xpath_exp))
    return count
# Example usage
my_xml_file = "myfile.xml"
xpath_exp = "//item[@name]"
count = count_node_attribute(my_xml_file, xpath_exp)




Parsing XML and counting instances of a particular node attribute in Python can be achieved through different methods. The ET.parse() method in the ElementTree library makes it easy to parse XML and count instances by iterating over nodes. The lxml library, based on top of libxml2 and libxslt, offers further developed elements and supports XPath for questioning XML. Using etree.parse(), you can parse XML with lxml and iterate over ElementTree−like nodes. Additionally, tree.xpath() and lxml permit direct use of XPath expressions to select nodes and count instances. For Python counts based on specific node attributes and XML parsing, these methods offer flexibility and options.options for parsing XML and performing counts based on specific node attributes in

Updated on: 31-Aug-2023


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