How to Name a Stash and Retrieve a Stash by Name in Git?

Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to manage changes in their projects efficiently. One of the handy features Git provides is stashing, which allows you to temporarily save your changes without committing them. By default, Git stashing assigns an auto-generated name to each stash, making it challenging to identify and retrieve specific stashes later on. However, Git also offers the ability to name stashes, which provides a more organized and convenient approach for managing your work.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to name a stash and retrieve a stash by name in Git. We will walk through the process step by step, explaining each concept along the way. Whether you're new to Git or an experienced user, this guide will help you harness the power of named stashes and improve your workflow.

Understanding Git Stashing

Before we delve into naming and retrieving stashes in Git, let's first understand the concept of Git stashing and the default behavior of Git stash commands.

What is Git Stashing?

Git stashing is a feature that allows you to save changes in your working directory without committing them. It comes in handy when you're in the middle of working on a feature or bug fix and need to switch to a different branch or address an urgent task. Instead of committing incomplete changes or creating a separate branch, you can stash your changes and apply them later when you're ready to continue.

Default Stash Behavior

By default, when you use the git stash command without specifying a name, Git creates a stash with an auto-generated name such as "stash@{n}". The n represents a numeric index that increments each time a new stash is created. While this default behavior is useful, it can become challenging to remember or identify specific stashes, especially when you have multiple stashes saved.

Now that we have a basic understanding of Git stashing, let's explore how to name stashes and retrieve them using their assigned names.

Naming a Stash

To make your stashes more identifiable and easier to manage, Git allows you to assign custom names to your stashes. Let's explore how you can create a named stash in Git.

Creating a Named Stash

To create a named stash in Git, you can use the git stash save command with the -m or --message option followed by the desired name in quotes. Here's an example 

git stash save -m "my_stash_name"

The above command creates a named stash with the given message or name. You can replace "my_stash_name" with any meaningful name that helps you remember the purpose or contents of the stash.

Naming Rules and Best Practices

When naming your stashes, it's important to follow a few rules and best practices −

  • Use descriptive names  Choose names that provide a clear indication of the stash contents or purpose.

  • Be concise  Keep the names short and concise while still conveying the necessary information.

  • Avoid special characters and spaces  Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens or underscores if needed, as some special characters may cause issues.

In the next section, we will explore how to retrieve a stash by its assigned name in Git.

Retrieving a Stash by Name

Now that we have created a named stash, let's explore how to retrieve a stash using its assigned name in Git. There are several commands available for this purpose.

Viewing Available Stashes

Before we retrieve a stash by its name, let's first see how to view all the available stashes and their corresponding names. To do this, we can use the git stash list command. Simply run the following command in your Git repository 

git stash list

This command will display a list of all stashes, including their names and other relevant information. You can then identify the stash you want to retrieve based on its assigned name.

Applying a Named Stash

To apply a specific named stash, you have two options: git stash apply and git stash pop. The main difference between these two commands is that git stash apply keeps the stash intact, allowing you to apply it again in the future, while git stash pop removes the stash after applying it.

To apply a named stash, use the following command 

git stash apply <stash_name>

Replace <stash_name> with the actual name of the stash you want to apply.

Dropping a Named Stash

After you have successfully applied a stash, you might want to remove it from the stash list, especially if you no longer need it. To drop or remove a named stash, you can use the git stash drop command followed by the stash name 

git stash drop <stash_name>

This command removes the specified stash from the list.

Creating a Branch from a Named Stash

In some cases, you may want to create a new branch based on the changes stored in a specific named stash. Git provides a convenient command, git stash branch, to achieve this. Run the following command 

git stash branch <new_branch_name> <stash_name>

Replace <new_branch_name> with the desired name of the new branch and <stash_name> with the name of the stash you want to base the branch on. This command automatically applies the stash and creates a new branch with the given name, allowing you to continue working on the changes stored in the stash.

Managing Named Stashes

Now that you know how to create and retrieve named stashes in Git, let's explore some additional management techniques to help you effectively organize and work with your stashes.

Renaming a Stash

If you want to change the name of a stash, Git provides a command called git stash rename. With this command, you can update the name of an existing stash without affecting its contents. Here's the syntax 

git stash rename <old_stash_name> <new_stash_name>

Replace <old_stash_name> with the current name of the stash you want to rename, and <new_stash_name> with the desired new name.

Applying the Most Recent Stash

Sometimes you may want to quickly apply the most recent stash without specifying its name. Git provides a shortcut for this using the git stash apply command with the stash@{0} notation. Simply run the following command 

git stash apply stash@{0}

This command applies the most recent stash to your working directory.

Clearing All Stashes

If you want to remove all stashes from your stash list, you can use the git stash clear command. It permanently deletes all the stashes, so make sure you have applied or saved any necessary changes before running this command.

git stash clear

Stash Organization Tips

To maintain a well-organized stash workflow, consider the following tips −

  • Use meaningful names  Give each stash a descriptive name that reflects its contents or purpose.

  • Add comments to stashes  Use the -m or --message option when creating stashes to include additional comments or notes about the changes

  • Regularly review and manage stashes  Periodically review your stash list and remove any unnecessary or outdated stashes to keep it clean and manageable.


Naming and retrieving stashes by name in Git is a valuable technique that enhances your workflow and makes stash management more efficient. By assigning meaningful names to your stashes, you can easily identify and recall specific changes when needed. We explored how to create named stashes, view available stashes, apply them, drop them, create branches from them, and manage them effectively.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023

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