How to Move On 10 Steps for Closure After You Break Up?

One of the hardest things anyone has to overcome is a breakup. It pains you in a way that’s hard to describe but can also be incredibly confusing and challenging. It’s easy to feel like you don’t know what happened or where you went wrong, especially if the relationship was long-term and relatively significant. This article will provide 10 steps for moving on after a breakup that will help anyone who has lost a significant other in his life. So, whether or not it was recent, read this article because closure is essential!

Thus, here are 10 Steps for Closure After Your Breakup

1. Do not Blame Yourself

In most breakups, you will automatically start to blame yourself. This is especially common if the breakup is mutual. Even if you did everything in your power to make it work, sometimes relationships cannot last forever. This can leave many people thinking they did something wrong while, in reality, they did everything right but could not control destiny’s hand (or fate). Accepting this can be much more complicated than it seems, but you must accept that no matter what happened, it was not your fault because only the two of you were genuinely responsible for how things turned out and what led to their decline.

2. Don’t Assume you could have done Something Differently

Another common reaction to a breakup is to look back and assume you could have done something different to save the relationship. This is not true; however, as in most cases, you cannot change anything about the past. Sure, it's easy for one person to look back and see what his partner did wrong or even see mistakes they made themselves and wish they had been more thoughtful on those occasions. It doesn't matter even if that happened, and it doesn't matter because it cannot be changed. Instead of worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be undone, take this advice and move forward by accepting what happened with a grain of salt.

3. Accept the Breakup for what it is

In most cases, breakups are not about a specific action. They are not about something that one person did or something to do with a particular individual you might be blaming. Instead, they happen because of various factors that can be applied to almost any relationship. For example, they happen because there is no longer love between the two parties in question or because one person simply no longer wants to be with the other and cannot find a way to break up without being too harsh on his partner. Accepting this can be challenging, but it is also essential when moving on because it is not helpful to look at things in a negative light.

4. Find the Positives

A breakup can leave you feeling upset, hurt, and angry. You may not want to see anything positive in what happened or what has affected your life since the breakup occurred. However, there is always something good about every situation, even if it doesn't seem so at first glance. For example, in a breakup, you might find that you are closer to your friends or family than ever before. You may not enjoy being in the same room anymore, which can be a good sign. You might even find that you are much happier without your ex by your side. You may also find other ways to make yourself happy through what is going on in your life or things that make you feel better now than you did before the breakup.

5. Think Positively

Despite how difficult it may be, it's important to look on the bright side of things following a breakup. Focusing only on the negatives and what you may have lost is easy, but this can be detrimental to your overall well-being. Instead of focusing on the breakup, you need to focus on your life and what is good about it. You don't want to start living in the past, but if you can't avoid it, then focus on your future.

6. Remember that Memories are Memories

In most breakups, it is common for one partner or the other to hold onto memories of an ex-partner. This cannot be easy to let go of because they want to remember the good times in case they reunite or get back together one day. However, these memories are simply that: memories. Trying to hold onto these while they are no longer physical or even in existence only hurts your future relationship with your ex. Instead, you should be able to let go of those memories and move forward without them.

7. Shed yourself of Negative Emotions

It can be challenging to get over what happened if you have spent a great deal of time being angry with your ex-partner and thinking about things negatively. Try not to think about your ex negatively, as this will lead you down a path that can end up hurting you more than helping you in the long run. Instead, try to think about situations in the past that were positive and the actions you took to make them so.

8. Remember that time Heals all Wounds

It may not seem like time heals any wounds after a breakup, but it will, especially if you are willing to let go of negative emotions and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Time helps all wounds heal because it allows you to do something you may have previously been unable to do: move on and forget about your ex-partner, or at least not be reminded of them all the time by things around you. It also allows you to take care of yourself and keep moving forward even if your ex is no longer present in your life anymore.

9. Reflect on Yourself

Even though it's tough, keep telling yourself that you deserve to succeed and are worth working toward your goals. You may have gotten into a relationship because you were lonely or thought being in a relationship would make your other goals easier to reach since you would have someone else to help you. However, they do more harm than good if they aren't helping your goals. Simply looking at yourself will help remind you why being with your ex-partner was not beneficial for your life and how much happier and more fulfilled you can be when they are no longer in it.

10. Forgive

Forgiveness is a hard thing to do, but it's essential to do it. Holding onto resentment for a former romantic partner is one of the most challenging aspects of moving from a breakup. For example, you might have been very angry with your ex for lying or cheating with other people at various points in their time together. In most cases, these actions occur when your relationship becomes more robust and intimate than ever before; however, to separate from each other and make things easier, they will often change tactics and deceive their partner.


Knowing that you are never alone in your struggle to get over a breakup is essential. You may need help understanding what you are going through, but most people have had this experience before and can provide you with the help you need and further explain what is happening.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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