How to Mount Google Drive in Linux Using _Google Drive OCamlfuse_ Client?

Google Drive is a popular cloud storage service that allows users to store and access their files from anywhere. While Google provides a convenient web interface and desktop applications for Windows and macOS, Linux users often face challenges in seamlessly integrating Google Drive into their workflow. However, with the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client, mounting Google Drive in Linux becomes a breeze.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to mount Google Drive in Linux using the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client. This powerful tool enables you to access your Google Drive files directly from your Linux system, just like any other mounted storage device.

Installing "Google Drive OCamlfuse"

To mount Google Drive in Linux, we need to install the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client. Follow the steps below to install it on your Linux system −

  • Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed, such as OCaml and Fuse. Use the package manager specific to your Linux distribution to install them.

  • Next, we need to download and install the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client. Open a terminal and run the following commands 

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse
  • Once the installation is complete, we need to authenticate our Google account with the client. Run the following command 

$ google-drive-ocamlfuse

This will open a web browser prompting you to log in to your Google account and grant permissions for the client to access your Google Drive.

  • After successful authentication, you will see a verification code. Copy the code and paste it into the terminal.

  • The "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client is now installed and authenticated on your Linux system, ready to mount your Google Drive.

Next, we will explore how to create a directory and mount Google Drive using "Google Drive OCamlfuse."

Mounting Google Drive with "Google Drive OCamlfuse"

Now that we have installed and authenticated the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client, we can proceed to mount our Google Drive on the Linux system. Follow the steps below 

  • Create a directory where you want to mount your Google Drive. For example, let's create a directory named "gdrive" in the home directory 

$ mkdir ~/gdrive
  • To mount Google Drive, use the following command 

$ google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/gdrive

This command will mount your Google Drive in the specified directory. You can choose a different directory if desired.

  • Once the command executes successfully, you will be able to access your Google Drive files and folders under the mount directory.

  • To unmount Google Drive, you can use the following command 

$ fusermount -u ~/gdrive

This will unmount the Google Drive from the specified directory.

Now you have successfully mounted your Google Drive in Linux using the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client. You can access, manage, and interact with your Google Drive files directly from your Linux system.

In the next section, we will explore some additional options and tips for working with Google Drive in Linux.

Additional Options and Tips for Google Drive in Linux

In addition to the basic functionality of mounting Google Drive in Linux using "Google Drive OCamlfuse," there are several additional options and tips you can utilize to enhance your experience. Let's explore these options 

Mounting Google Drive at Startup

To have Google Drive automatically mounted at system startup, you can add the mount command (google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/gdrive) to your system's startup scripts. The exact method may vary depending on your Linux distribution.

Customizing Mount Options

You have the flexibility to customize the mount options for Google Drive by creating a configuration file called .gdfuse/default/config in your home directory. This file allows you to specify options such as read-only mode, chunk size, and more. Refer to the official documentation for a complete list of available options.

File Synchronization

Changes made locally in the mount directory are automatically synchronized with your Google Drive account. Keep in mind that synchronization of large files or a large number of files may take some time.

File Permissions and Ownership

The files and folders in the mounted Google Drive inherit the permissions and ownership of the user account used for mounting. Take this into consideration when sharing files or accessing them from different user accounts.

Managing Disk Space

Monitor the available disk space on your Linux system as Google Drive files are stored locally when mounted. Ensure you have enough disk space to accommodate the files you plan to access or synchronize.

Security and Privacy

When using third-party clients to access Google Drive, consider the security and privacy implications. Always download and install the client software from trusted sources and keep both your system and client software up to date to mitigate any potential security risks.

By leveraging these additional options and following the provided tips, you can optimize your Google Drive integration in Linux, enabling seamless access and management of your files and folders.


In this guide, we explored how to mount Google Drive in Linux using the "Google Drive OCamlfuse" client. We started by installing the necessary dependencies and setting up the client. Then, we walked through the process of authorizing the client and obtaining the authentication token. With the token in place, we created a mount directory and mounted Google Drive using the OCamlfuse command.

We also discussed additional options and tips to enhance your Google Drive experience in Linux, such as automating the mount process at startup, customizing mount options, managing file synchronization, and being mindful of security and privacy considerations.

By incorporating Google Drive into your Linux workflow, you can conveniently access and manage your files, collaborate with others, and ensure your data is backed up securely in the cloud.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023

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