How to Monitor Progress of (Copy_Backup_Compress) Data using pv Command?

Monitoring the progress of data operations, such as copying, backing up, or compressing files, is essential for keeping track of their status and ensuring their successful completion. One powerful tool that can help in this regard is the "pv" command. Short for "pipe viewer," the "pv" command provides real-time monitoring of data as it flows through a pipeline. With its simplicity and effectiveness, the "pv" command can be a valuable addition to your toolkit for managing data tasks.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use the "pv" command to monitor the progress of copy, backup, and compression operations. We will cover the installation process, basic usage of the "pv" command, and various techniques to customize its output. By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge to efficiently monitor the progress of data operations using the "pv" command.

Installing and Basic Usage of pv Command

Before we can start monitoring data progress using the "pv" command, we need to ensure that it is installed on our system. The installation process may vary depending on your operating system. Here are some common methods for installing "pv" −

  • For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, use the following command 

sudo apt-get install pv
  • For CentOS/RHEL-based systems, use the following command 

sudo yum install pv
  • For macOS, you can use Homebrew to install "pv" with the following command 

brew install pv

Once you have "pv" installed, you can start using it to monitor data progress. The basic syntax for using "pv" is as follows 

pv [options] <input_file >output_file

Here, you can replace <input_file> and <output_file> with the appropriate file names or paths. "pv" will read the data from the input file, monitor its progress, and write it to the output file.

For example, let's say we have a large file named "data.txt" that we want to copy to another location. We can use "pv" to monitor the progress of the copy operation by running the following command 

pv data.txt > destination/data.txt

The "pv" command will display real-time progress information, including the current speed, elapsed time, and estimated time of arrival (ETA).

In the next section, we will explore how to use the "pv" command to monitor specific data operations, such as copying, backing up, and compressing data.

Monitoring Copy/Backup/Compress Operations with pv

The "pv" command can be utilized to monitor the progress of various data operations, including copying, backing up, and compressing data. Let's explore how to use "pv" for each of these operations 

Monitoring Copy Operations

When you need to copy a file or a directory, you can use the "pv" command to monitor the progress. The following command illustrates how to monitor the copy progress of a file 

pv source_file > destination_file

Replace source_file with the path and name of the file you want to copy, and destination_file with the path and name of the target location. As the copy operation proceeds, "pv" will display real-time progress updates.

To copy an entire directory and monitor the progress, you can use the "tar" command in combination with "pv" 

tar cf - source_directory | pv | (cd destination_directory && tar xvf -)

This command creates a tar archive of the source directory, pipes it through "pv" to monitor progress, and extracts it to the destination directory.

Monitoring Backup Operations

To monitor the progress of a backup operation, you can use the "pv" command in conjunction with tools like "tar" or "rsync." For example, to back up a directory and monitor the progress, use the following command:

tar cf - source_directory | pv | gzip > backup.tar.gz

This command creates a compressed backup of the source directory using "tar" and "gzip," with "pv" displaying the progress information.

Monitoring Compression Operations

If you need to compress a file or directory and monitor the progress, the "pv" command can be used alongside compression tools such as "gzip" or "bzip2." Here's an example of compressing a file and monitoring the progress

pv source_file | gzip > compressed_file.gz

This command pipes the data from the source file through "pv" and into the "gzip" compression tool, with "pv" showing the progress of the compression.

In the next section, we will explore how to customize the output of the "pv" command and discuss additional features that can enhance your monitoring experience.

Customizing Output and Additional Features

The "pv" command provides various options and features that allow you to customize its output and enhance the monitoring experience. Let's explore some of these customization options:

Displaying Progress Bar and ETA

By default, the "pv" command displays progress information in a simple format. However, you can enable a progress bar and estimated time of arrival (ETA) using the -p option:

pv -p source_file > destination_file

This will show a progress bar indicating the completion percentage and an estimated time of arrival for the operation.

Limiting Data Transfer Rate

If you want to control the speed of the operation, you can use the --rate-limit option with the "pv" command. For example, to limit the data transfer rate to 1MB/s, you can use the following command 

pv --rate-limit 1m source_file > destination_file

This ensures that the data transfer rate does not exceed the specified limit.

Other Useful Options and Features

The "pv" command offers additional options to customize the output and handle errors. Some of these options include −

  • -e or --eta  Displays the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for the completion of the operation.

  • -l or --line-mode  Enables line-based mode, which is useful for monitoring progress when dealing with line-oriented data.

  • -q or --quiet  Suppresses any output from "pv" except for errors and the final summary.

These are just a few examples of the many options and features available with the "pv" command. You can explore the manual page (man pv) for more information on advanced usage and additional options.


Monitoring the progress of data operations, such as copying, backing up, or compressing data, is crucial for ensuring their successful completion. The "pv" command proves to be a valuable tool in this regard, providing real-time monitoring and customization options to enhance your monitoring experience.

In this blog post, we explored how to use the "pv" command to monitor the progress of various data operations. We learned how to install and use "pv" for basic monitoring, as well as how to monitor copy, backup, and compression operations. We also discovered how to customize the output with features like progress bars and ETA, and limit the data transfer rate.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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