How to Monitor Nginx Performance Using Netdata on CentOS 8?

Nginx has become one of the most popular web servers due to its high performance, scalability, and efficient handling of concurrent connections. As a vital component of modern web applications, it is crucial to monitor Nginx to ensure optimal performance and availability. That's where Netdata comes in.

Netdata, a powerful open-source monitoring tool, provides real-time insights into server performance and resource utilization. With its intuitive web-based dashboard, Netdata offers a comprehensive view of your server's metrics, allowing you to identify bottlenecks, troubleshoot issues, and optimize Nginx for peak performance.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of monitoring Nginx performance using Netdata on CentOS 8. You will learn how to install Netdata, configure it for Nginx monitoring, and leverage its features to gain valuable insights into your Nginx server.

Installing Netdata on CentOS 8

Monitoring your Nginx server with Netdata begins with the installation process. In this section, we'll guide you through the steps to install Netdata on CentOS 8.


Before proceeding, ensure that you have a CentOS 8 server with root or sudo privileges. Additionally, make sure your server meets the following requirements −

  • CentOS 8.x installed and updated

  • Access to the internet for downloading the necessary packages


Follow these steps to install Netdata on CentOS 8.

Step 1  Update System Packages

Start by updating the system packages to the latest versions using the following commands.

sudo dnf update -y

Step 2  Install Required Dependencies

Netdata requires several dependencies to be installed. Use the following command to install them 

sudo dnf install -y zlib-devel libuuid-devel libmnl-devel gcc make git autoconf autogen automake pkgconfig curl jq nodejs

Step 3  Clone the Netdata Repository

Clone the Netdata repository from GitHub using the following command:

git clone --depth=1

Step 4  Build and Install Netdata

Navigate to the Netdata directory and run the installer script as follows −

cd netdata
sudo ./

The installer script will download the necessary files, compile the code, and install Netdata on your CentOS 8 server.

Verify Netdata Installation

To verify that Netdata is installed correctly, open your web browser and visit http://localhost:19999. You should see the Netdata dashboard, displaying real-time server metrics.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Netdata on your CentOS 8 server. In the next section, we will configure Netdata for Nginx monitoring.

Configuring Netdata for Nginx Monitoring

To monitor Nginx performance with Netdata, we need to configure Netdata to collect and display the relevant metrics. In this section, we'll walk you through the necessary steps to configure Netdata for Nginx monitoring.

  • Access the Netdata Configuration 

    To begin, navigate to the Netdata configuration directory by executing the following command.

cd /etc/netdata/
  • Modify the Netdata Configuration 

    Open the netdata.conf file using a text editor of your choice, such as nano or vim 

sudo nano netdata.conf
  • Enable the Nginx Plugin 

    In the netdata.conf file, locate the [plugins] section. Uncomment the line that corresponds to the Nginx plugin by removing the leading #. It should look like this −

    # nginx: yes

  • Save and Exit the Configuration File 

    After making the changes, save the netdata.conf file and exit the text editor 

  • Restart Netdata 

    To apply the configuration changes, restart the Netdata service using the following command 

sudo systemctl restart netdata
  • Verify Nginx Plugin Configuration 

    To ensure that the Nginx plugin is working correctly, access the Netdata dashboard in your web browser and navigate to the "Web server" section. You should now see Nginx metrics and graphs, indicating that Netdata is successfully monitoring your Nginx server.

By completing these configuration steps, you have successfully set up Netdata to monitor your Nginx server. In the next section, we will explore how to leverage Netdata's monitoring capabilities to gain valuable insights into Nginx performance.

Monitoring Nginx Performance with Netdata

Netdata provides a powerful monitoring solution to gain real-time insights into the performance of your Nginx server. By monitoring key metrics, you can identify bottlenecks, optimize performance, and ensure the smooth operation of your web server. In this section, we will explore the different metrics that Netdata can monitor and demonstrate how to access the Netdata dashboard for Nginx monitoring.

Nginx Metrics Monitored by Netdata

Netdata collects a comprehensive set of Nginx metrics, including −

  • Active Connections  The number of active connections to the Nginx server.

  • Requests per Second  The rate at which requests are being handled by the server.

  • Traffic in Bytes  The amount of traffic (incoming and outgoing) in bytes.

  • Response Time  The average time taken by the server to respond to requests.

  • Status Codes  The distribution of HTTP status codes (e.g., 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx).

  • Workers Status  The status of worker processes handling incoming requests.

  • Cache Hit Ratio  The percentage of cache hits versus cache misses.

  • CPU and Memory Usage  The utilization of CPU and memory resources by Nginx.

These metrics provide valuable insights into the performance and health of your Nginx server, allowing you to quickly identify any issues or performance bottlenecks.

Accessing the Netdata Dashboard

To access the Netdata dashboard and view Nginx performance metrics, follow these steps −

  • Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of your server, followed by the Netdata port (default is 19999). For example: http://your_server_ip:19999.

  • The Netdata dashboard will load, presenting a rich set of real-time monitoring information. On the left-hand side, locate and click on the "Web server" section.

  • The Nginx metrics dashboard will appear, displaying graphs and statistics related to Nginx performance. Take a moment to explore the various metrics and their visual representations.

Analyzing Nginx Performance Metrics

With the Netdata dashboard, you can analyze Nginx performance metrics to gain actionable insights. Let's look at a few examples:

  • Identifying Traffic Spikes  Observe the "Requests per Second" graph to identify sudden spikes in request rates, which may indicate increased traffic or unusual activity.

  • Monitoring Response Time  The "Response Time" graph provides an overview of the average time taken by the server to respond to requests. Spikes in response time may indicate performance issues that require investigation.

  • Checking Status Codes  The "Status Codes" graph shows the distribution of HTTP status codes returned by Nginx. An increase in 4xx or 5xx codes suggests client or server-side errors that need attention.

  • Monitoring Worker Processes  The "Workers Status" section displays the status of worker processes handling incoming requests. An abnormal pattern or a sudden drop in worker processes may indicate a problem with Nginx configuration or resource limitations.

  • Assessing Cache Hit Ratio  The "Cache Hit Ratio" metric indicates the effectiveness of your caching strategy. A higher cache hit ratio signifies efficient caching, leading to improved performance and reduced load on the server.

  • Tracking Resource Utilization  Keep an eye on the CPU and memory usage metrics to ensure your Nginx server is utilizing resources optimally. High resource consumption may require scaling or performance tuning.

By actively monitoring these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your Nginx server's performance and take proactive steps to optimize its operation.

In the next section, we will explore advanced features of Netdata that enhance Nginx monitoring capabilities.

Best Practices for Nginx Performance Optimization

Netdata provides valuable insights into the performance of your Nginx server, enabling you to identify areas for improvement. In this section, we will discuss some best practices for optimizing Nginx performance based on the insights gained from Netdata monitoring.

  • Configure Nginx Worker Processes 

    Nginx uses worker processes to handle incoming requests. The number of worker processes should be optimized based on the available resources and expected traffic. Netdata's monitoring can help you determine the ideal number of worker processes by observing CPU and memory utilization. Adjust the worker_processes directive in the Nginx configuration file (nginx.conf) to achieve optimal performance.

  • Fine-Tune Nginx Buffer Sizes 

    Nginx utilizes various buffers to optimize data transmission. Tweaking buffer sizes can significantly impact performance, especially for high-traffic scenarios. Use Netdata's metrics, such as traffic in bytes and response time, to identify potential bottlenecks. Adjust the buffer sizes (client_body_buffer_size, client_header_buffer_size, etc.) in the Nginx configuration file to improve performance.

  • Enable and Configure Nginx Caching 

    Caching static content can dramatically improve Nginx performance and reduce server load. Use Netdata's cache hit ratio metric to assess the effectiveness of your caching strategy. Enable and configure Nginx caching directives (proxy_cache, fastcgi_cache, etc.) based on the specific requirements of your application to maximize cache hits and minimize cache misses.

  • Optimize SSL/TLS Configuration 

    If your Nginx server handles HTTPS traffic, optimizing the SSL/TLS configuration is crucial for performance. Netdata's metrics can help you identify SSL-related performance issues, such as high SSL handshake time or CPU utilization. Consider adjusting the SSL protocols, cipher suites, and SSL session cache parameters to strike a balance between security and performance.

  • Monitor and Tune Connection Limits 

    Netdata's active connections metric can assist in monitoring the concurrent connections to your Nginx server. Ensure that the configured connection limits (worker_connections directive) are sufficient to handle the expected traffic. Adjust the limits based on the observed patterns to avoid potential bottlenecks and connection errors.

  • Implement Load Balancing and Scaling 

    If your application demands high availability or handles heavy traffic, consider implementing load balancing and scaling techniques. Netdata's metrics, such as requests per second and response time, can guide you in determining when load balancing or scaling is required. Utilize Nginx's load balancing features and scalable infrastructure solutions to distribute the workload and maintain optimal performance.

  • Regularly Monitor and Analyze Metrics 

    Continuously monitor Nginx performance metrics through Netdata to proactively identify potential issues or performance degradation. Analyze historical data trends to detect patterns and plan optimizations accordingly. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can maintain optimal Nginx performance and ensure a smooth user experience.


Monitoring Nginx performance using Netdata on CentOS 8 is an invaluable practice for ensuring optimal server operation. By leveraging the real-time insights provided by Netdata, you can identify performance bottlenecks, fine-tune configurations, and implement best practices for Nginx optimization. From monitoring critical metrics to customizing charts, setting alarms, and utilizing APIs, Netdata offers advanced features to enhance Nginx monitoring capabilities. By following best practices, such as configuring worker processes, tuning buffer sizes, enabling caching, and optimizing SSL/TLS, you can achieve better Nginx performance and deliver an exceptional web experience to your users.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023


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