How to make a display in a horizontal row?

In this article, the user will understand how to make a display in a horizontal row in the HTML. This can be easily done by using “display: inline” feature while setting the style or by using the table row feature. This process of displaying some elements of a webpage in a row is demonstrated. First, the method is given where the unordered list items are displayed in a row. In the second example, the paragraph lines are displayed in a row. In the third example, images of different sizes are used to display these in a row.

Example 1: Using HTML to display the unordered list items in a horizontal row

Design Steps

  • Step 1 − Make an HTML file and start writing the code.

  • Step 2 − Make a <center> tag within the <body>.

  • Step 3 − Now within the <center> tag, make a <div> tag with the class name as “tab”.

  • Step 4 − Make a <style> tag and specify the style for .tab.

  • Step 5 − Try using a light background-color, a border with 1px solid and a dark color, 400px width and 50px height.

  • Step 6 − Make style for <li> tags and use “display: inline” and somi.

  • Step 7 − Now within the div tag make the unordered list. Open html file in a browser and check the result.

File Used : HRowDisplay1.html

Code For HRowDisplay1.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Display in a horizontal row</title>
      .tab {
         border: 1px solid #382d2d;
         background-color: #e0dbdb;
         width: 400px;
         height: 50px;
      li {
         display: inline;
         word-spacing: 25px;
      <h2>Display List Items in a horizontal row</h2>
      <div class="tab">

Example 2: Using HTML to display the paragraph lines in a horizontal row

Design Steps

  • Step 1 − First make a file called HRowDisplay2.html and then write the code in it.

  • Step 2 − To center the item, make a <center> tag within the <body>. Now within the <center> tag, for a container, make a <div> tag.

  • Step 3 − Now within the <div> tag, create a <table> tag and give it a class name as “tab”.

  • Step 4 − To set the style a class tag is made using <style> tag and then specify the style for .tab.

  • Step 5 − Use the value #e0dbdb as the background-color, border with 1px solid and a dark color, set 600px width and 50px height.

  • Step 6 − Make four paragraph tags before the div tags and write the text content in these tags.

  • Step 7 − Make <tr> tag and four <th> tags in the <tr> tag. Now put the copy of the same <p> tags used above in each of the <th> tag.

  • Step 8 − Open html file in a browser and check the result.

File Used : HRowDisplay2.html

Code For HRowDisplay2.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Display in a horizontal row</title>
      .tab {
         border: 1px solid #382d2d;
         background-color: #e0dbdb;
         width: 600px;
         height: 50px;
      <h2>Displaying Lines</h2>
      <p>This is line One</p>
      <p>This is line Two</p>
      <p>This is line Three</p>
      <p>This is line Four</p>
         <h2>Display Lines in a horizontal row</h2>
         <table class="tab">
                  <p>This is line One</p>
                  <p>This is line Two</p>
                  <p>This is line Three</p>
                  <p>This is line Four</p>

Example 3: Using HTML to display the images in a horizontal row

  • Step 1 − Make a file called HRowDisplay3.html and start writing the code in this file.

  • Step 2 − To centralize the items within the body tag, make a <center> tag.

  • Step 3 − Also make a <div> tag with “tab” as its class name.

  • Step 4 − To set the style for the class .tab, make a <style> for this.

  • Step 5 − Try using this hexadecimal color “#e0dbdb” for the background-color, border with 1px solid and a dark color, 80% width and 50% height.

  • Step 6 − Make style for <img> tags and use “display: inline” feature.

  • Step 7 − Now within the div tag put the <img> tags with images of different sizes. Open html file in a browser and check the result.

File Used : HRowDisplay3.html

Code For HRowDisplay3.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
      .tab {
         border: 1px solid #382d2d;
         background-color: #e0dbdb;
         width: 80%;
         height: 50%;
      img {
         display: inline;
      <h2>Display Images in a horizontal row</h2>
      <div class="tab">
         <img src=""   />
         <img src=""  />
         <img src=""  />
         <img src=""  />


In this HTML article, using three different examples, the ways to show how to display the webpage elements in a horizontal row, are given. In the first example, an unordered list is shown in a horizontal row. In the second example, paragraph lines are put inside the <th> tags in a table and displayed in a row. In example three, different sizes of images are taken and displayed in a horizontal row.

Updated on: 10-May-2023


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