How to Maintain the Progress of a Social Media Campaign?

Managing social media campaigns and regularly updating social media profiles might be quite different things. Campaigns, as opposed to continuing social media marketing, typically have a clear goal and only exist for a limited time. The methods we employ to carry out social media campaigns could be different from those we employ for regular social media marketing.

You must evaluate your use of social media. But don't take measurements only to obtain a rough idea. Instead, you may track your social interaction to figure out what's working, what isn't, and how to do better.

Steps to Measure the Campaign Progress

There is a lot for digital marketers to do. For instance, they must be inventive, creative, have critical-thinking skills, and be tech-savvy. They should be numerate as well so they can comprehend analytics and data from social media. The numbers are the simple part with the appropriate technique.

Five simple steps for determining the success of your social media campaigns −

Step 1: Properly define the Social Media Objectives

Any kind of marketing always starts with setting goals. Without goals, you are unable to define success, measure success, and assess whether your strategy is working.

The process of defining goals for social media can take many different forms. Choosing a goal that is compatible with your strategic goals is one approach. You could aim to gain more social media followers for instance if your goal is to raise brand awareness. Consider what you desire your audience to do after seeing your material as a second method to think about your social media objectives. Ensure that your objectives mirror the intended behaviors, for instance, whether you want people to join to receive your newsletter, purchase a product, or click a link.

Consider carefully what you hope to accomplish with your campaign. Write down these objectives and establish an agreement among your marketing staff. You can design campaigns that deal effectively with those outcomes when each individual is working toward the same objectives.

Step 2: Select the Correct KPIs for Measuring and Tracking

Sync KPIs with the initial objectives. Choose KPIs that are pertinent to your objectives, whether you want to raise brand awareness and engagement or boost website traffic.

Think about whom you want to reach. Varied content categories elicit different responses from different demographics. Therefore, it's critical to understand your target audience before selecting your KPIs.

Indicate the platform you use. Various social media networks follow various metrics. For instance, measuring your success on Twitter is different from knowing how to measure the effectiveness of your Facebook campaign.

Step 3: Measure the Impact of your Campaign.

Measure and improve your social media marketing initiatives once you start them. Not till the campaign is over should you wait. You might be able to follow movements in real time relying on the analytics platform you use.

Speaking of which, selecting the appropriate tools is another step in determining the effectiveness of your social marketing plan. For instance, a platform like Linkfluence can assist in tracking references of your brand on social media and other channels if your objective is to increase brand awareness. Another great campaign-focused tool for monitoring website engagement and traffic is Google Analytics. Check your landing page’s bounce rate, average time on site, and other analytics to see what the audience is interacting with.

Step 4: Monitor, Analyze, and Report

With a strong platform like Linkfluence, you can track performance over time rather than simply at the beginning and finish of your campaign. To understand how your brand is developing in the market, you may monitor your success over the course of weeks, months, or even years.

This information can be used to determine how effective your social media marketing strategies are financial. Cost-effectiveness can assist you in justifying future campaign expenditures or in deciding which platform should receive greater funding.

At this point, you can also determine whether any of your results were influenced by a certain person. It could be worthwhile to collaborate with an influencer to expand your success if their audience connects with your material and they promote it with their audience.

There are more strategies to grab more attention and advertise yourself to your following.

These arguments demonstrate the significance of selecting the appropriate marketing measurement technique. To demonstrate your impact on the C-suite executives, you can quickly produce customized reports from your data and give them to them. You can spend more time on campaign optimization if you spend less time reporting.

Step 5: Refine and Repeat

It's time to return and make more improvements to your campaign now that you have a strong understanding of how your strategy on social media is doing.

For instance, you can A/B test her for an alternative call to action if you're not getting many clicks or conversions. You might need to optimize your landing pages if you're getting lots of traffic to your website but no sales. Or perhaps your audience wasn't interested in your advertising content.

There is a plethora of data to take into account at this time. However, establishing goals and selecting KPIs that properly represent those goals helps you focus. Prioritizing what's correct is simpler if you're not trying to assess, review, and improve everything.

Examples of Successful Social Media Campaigns

Coca Cola Campaign

Strategy Used − Experiment with new, emerging platforms

Campaign name Share a Coke and a Song

Campaign description

Coca-Cola decided to introduce the "Share a Coke and a Song" concept to the United States in order to update its "Share a Coke" concept in light of the popularity of the Chinese version. Coca-Cola presented lyrics that are consistent with its marketing ideals of optimism, excitement, and inclusivity rather than just labeling Coke bottles.

Coca-Cola and its agencies used, a social media site where many of his kids make and post their own music videos, as part of the campaign. We also worked along with well-known performer and ardent user Jason Derulo on a competition where he asked his fans to record videos of him performing a song in a bottle and upload them to the website.

The initiative resulted in almost 900,000 videos of her, 134 million views, and the #ShareaCoke hashtag becoming the platform's most popular hashtag.


Try out new platforms that the potential audience for your campaign may be using.

Airbnb Campaign

Strategy Used − Tap into trending topics creatively

Campaign name − #LiveInTheMovies

Campaign description

The Oscars presented Airbnb with a fantastic opportunity to showcase its narrative brand. However, Airbnb was not permitted to advertise or make any references to the Oscars or the nominated movies during the ceremony because Marriott Hotels was among the event's sponsors.

With the help of the incredible social media campaign #LiveInTheMovies, the brand got beyond this restriction. Airbnb contacted the follower and inquired about the movie he wanted to spend the weekend in, and in response, provided rentals that matched the places where the movie will be filmed (some even offered free nights).

Over 63 million engagements and over 1.3 million viewers were produced by the campaign. Over the Academy Awards weekend, no other brand achieved more than that.


Try new things and don't let preconceived assumptions limit you. A more level playing field has been made possible by social media. Through social platforms, small businesses with tight budgets but excellent and timely information can now reach a larger audience than before. It's worthwhile to try out fresh, original marketing experiments that work for your brand.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2023


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