How to Lose Upper Body Fat?

Everyone wants to be healthy. But just mentioning that I want to be healthy does not make you. It needs rigorous workouts and a proper diet that should be consistent. In this guide, we will specifically talk about upper body fat. How can you reduce it, and what measures should you take to control it? Here are some different methods to reduce upper body fat −

Cardio Exercise for Burning Fat

It is one of the most common exercises one chooses.

  • Step 1 − This includes running, which is the easiest method. Running for 20 minutes for 2-3 days per week is enough. You can modify it in the form of brisk walking. This is because one having knee problems suffers a lot from running.

  • Step 2 − One can do cycling in the absence of running. For example, if you are going to Supermarket or nearby places, you should prefer a cycle over a motor vehicle. While cycling, you can intake fresh air and prevent buying indoor cycling machines.

  • Step 3 − One who knows how to swim can do swimming. Breaststroke and butterfly are beneficial moves while swimming. It makes your whole body work and helps to burn fat.

A simple way is to walk at an average pace for 30 minutes daily. It will show results slowly, but eventually, excess body weight will be lost. One can take the help of a trainer, learn 1-2 cardio exercises, and perform them for immediate results.

Exercising the Chest and Arms Portion

There are some exercises under this category. Let’s discuss one after another.

  • Step 1 − Firstly, one can try one arm shoulder press for the tricep and bicep. Dumbbells are necessary for this. One must exhale and inhale and simultaneously push up and down the dumbbells. One can try for 8-10 times at a stretch.

  • Step 2 − Next is a modified version of this, the dumbbell bench press. One has to lie on a bench and then push up and down the dumbbell with exhale and inhale of air.

  • Step 3 − Next is an incline push-up method. A bench is required where you have to keep legs and need to do push-ups. This makes the chest and upper body parts physical stress and helps burn fat.

  • Step 4 − Next is a tricep extension. You need to lie on a flat platform. Hold the dumbbells and stretch them 90 degrees, then straight to the back of the ears.

These are some sets of exercises. You can perform 2-3 types. Try to do the exercise 8-10 times each.

Sculpting your Back Muscles

As per the previous method, this also includes some ways.

  • First, we will discuss chin-ups − A special arrangement is there for this. A chin-up bar is required. You should hold the grips of the bar and should move up and down, giving stress to shoulders and arms. Exhale and inhale air as necessary. You can keep support down for managing excessive stress.

  • Next is having a dumbbell row exercise − You need to sit on a bench, pick up the dumbbell from the floor, and push yourself upwards and downwards. This makes the upper part of the body functional.

  • Bent over rear delt raise is our next exercise − First, place yourself on a bench with the support of one knee and one hand resting on the court. Hold the dumbbell using the other hand and try to raise it up and down. This makes the shoulder and arms have a good workout. Do this with other pointers too. Repeat this series 6-8 times.

These are some exercise routines that one can follow.

Eating Healthy Food Items

The last step is a basic one. Stick to a properly balanced diet. A mixture of grains and non-vegs like chicken, fruits, and vegetables can be taken. If you regularly consume soft drinks, then avoid soda in it. Use flavored drinks as substitutes. Consume less sugar or sugar-free items to keep glucose levels maintained.

Fibrous food will be good to take. It makes the digestive system proper and keeps the stomach full. This prevents the intake of food in between and decreases cravings too. Maintaining the sugar level is necessary. This leads to many diseases if not under control. As mentioned earlier, you can consume sugar-free food items. However, you must refrain from high-calorie ones. Fruits can be a good alternative.

The following measure is how much you intake in each meal. This includes the size of the meal, what you eat, and so on. There should be a proper size and amount for every meal. As per advice, the minimum will be dinner, and the maximum should be breakfast and lunch.

Consume less oil in food items. Try to avoid having anything after dinner. The body needs to have proper rest and functioning of the digestive system. If you find yourself hungry, try to have plenty of water. This gap will help the body to burn calories. Do take lukewarm water whenever possible. It keeps the metabolism active.

Consuming Alcohol and Smoking

Another way that paves body fat is by consuming alcohol and smoking. Alcohol has ethanol, which reduces fat oxidation and makes the fats deposit more. This, in turn, increases calories.

Scientifically it is proven smoking helps in fat accumulation locally. This has the addition of causing many more diseases, so better not to smoke. Sleeping more is also a promising factor in decreasing fat. Researchers have found a correlation between them. This gives proper rest to the body.


In daily life, we forget about health and how to improve it. We focus on other things, and we start to be concerned about it when it becomes serious. One such thing is fat accumulation and cholesterol deposits in our bodies.

This is the primary cause of many diseases we suffer from. It can lead to blood clots and many more. It is unhealthy for the circulatory systems and organs related to it. These fats are caused due to wrong consumption, lack of workout, etc.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023


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