How to Log Errors and Warnings into a File in PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language primarily designed for web development. It is embedded within HTML code and executed on the server-side, enabling the creation of dynamic web pages and applications. PHP provides developers with a range of features and functionalities, including database connectivity, file handling, form processing, session management, and more. Its simplicity, versatility, and broad support make it a popular choice for developing websites and web applications.

PHP code is typically written within <?php ?> tags, allowing seamless integration with HTML and other scripting languages. With its extensive documentation, large community, and numerous frameworks and libraries, PHP empowers developers to build interactive, scalable, and efficient web solutions.

How to Log Errors and Warnings into a File in PHP

Method 1- Using erroe_log() method

In PHP, the error_log() function is used to send an error message to the server's error log or to a specified file. It allows you to log error messages, warnings, or other informational messages during the execution of your PHP script.


The syntax of using the error_log() method is as follows.

error_log(string $message, int $messageType = 0, string $destination 
= '', string $extraHeaders = '');
  • $message: The error message or data to be logged. It should be a string.

  • $messageType: (Optional) The type of message to be logged. Possible values are:

  • 0: Default. The message is sent to the PHP error log.

  • 1: The message is sent by email to the address specified in the destination parameter.

  • 3: The message is appended to the file specified in the destination parameter.

  • $destination: (Optional) The destination of the error log. If $messageType is set to 1 or 3, this parameter represents the email address or file path, respectively.

  • $extraHeaders: (Optional) Additional headers to be included when sending an email. It is not applicable when logging to a file.


Here is an example to demonstrate the usage of erro_log().

// Enable error logging
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', '/path/error.log');
// Log an error message
error_log("This is an error message", 3, "/path/error.log");
// Log a warning message
error_log("This is a warning message", 3, "/path/error.log");

Explanation of Code

The demonstrates how to log errors and warnings into a file in PHP. It uses the error_log() function to send error and warning messages to a specified destination, which is a log file in this case. The ini_set() function is used to enable error logging and specify the file where the logs should be written. By encapsulating the logging functionality in a method, you can easily log messages by calling the method with the desired error or warning message as an argument.

Method 2

Using ini_set()

In PHP, the ini_set() function is used to dynamically modify the configuration settings, also known as INI (Initialization) directives, during the runtime of a script. It allows you to change the values of certain configuration options at runtime, overriding the default values specified in the PHP configuration files (php.ini).


This is the syntax of using ini_set() method.

ini_set(string $option, mixed $value): mixed
  • $option is a string parameter that specifies the name of the configuration option you want to modify.

  • $value is the new value you want to set for the configuration option. It can be of any data type depending on the option being modified.


Here is an example to show how you can log errors and warnings using ini_set().

// Enable error reporting and define the error log file path
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', '/path/error.log');

// Example usage
trigger_error("This is an error message.", E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error("This is a warning message.", E_USER_WARNING);


Explanation of Code

The code configures the error reporting settings in PHP using the ini_set() function. It enables reporting of all types of errors and warnings (E_ALL), enables logging of errors by setting log_errors to 1, and specifies a file path for the error log using error_log. The code then demonstrates the usage of trigger_error() function to deliberately log an error message (E_USER_ERROR) and a warning message (E_USER_WARNING). These messages will be captured by the error handling system and logged to the specified error log file. It's important to ensure that the log file path is adjusted to the desired location and has the appropriate write permissions to allow the PHP process to write to it.


In conclusion, logging errors and warnings in PHP is crucial for effective application monitoring and debugging. This article presented two methods to achieve this. Both methods allow you to capture and store errors and warnings, facilitating troubleshooting and maintenance of PHP applications. It's essential to ensure proper file permissions and access to the log file to ensure successful logging. By implementing error and warning logging, you can enhance the reliability and maintainability of your PHP projects.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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