How to learn Python without prior programming knowledge?


Python is one of the most popularly used languages in today’s world, with its application spread out in a wide range of domains, ranging from applied fields like computer vision and IoT, to Machine Learning and data-based fields such as Data Analysis. Along with this, Python is one of the easiest languages to start one’s programming journey with, due to its very easy syntax and ease of writing code. Thus here we will look at some steps to learn Python as a beginner.


  • Learning the basics

  • Maintaining consistency

  • Become a part of peer groups

  • Build projects

  • Teach others

  • Identify your field of interest

Step 1: Learning the Basics

It is very important to learn the basics of any language while starting out. While learning Python, start out by learning the basic data types, using variables and simple code structures such as loops and conditional structures. Performing simple tasks such as taking user inputs and printing data to the screen, storing data in memory as variables etc are important but easy tasks which can help to build the confidence as beginner programmers. Data types in Python are numbers, strings and boolean. Each of these have different formats and behavior, although they all are pretty necessary for creating most programs in Python.

Step2: Maintaining Consistency

Being consistent is very important for starting out on any habit, and coding is nothing else. While learning Python as a beginner, it is very important to schedule coding sessions everyday, so as to progress a little bit each day. Even if progress seems slow initially, maintaining consistency will help new programmers reach their desired targets in the long run, and be proficient in Python. Also, practicing coding everyday helps in building up muscle memory, which also helps in writing code faster once you’ve gained much practice.

Step 3: Become a Part of Peer Groups

While learning Python as a beginner, it helps out a lot if you join peer groups of fellow learners who are embarking on the same journey as you. This can be in any mode, be it offline coding clubs in your city, developer circles, or online coding communities, coding forums, discord servers and a whole lot more. Discussing with other people in these communities regarding learning paths, problems you face in your journey, searching for bugs in code and much more. This way, there is a feeling of connected growth in your mind, which will cheer you up to push yourself harder than you think you can, all in the quest of becoming the pro Python programmer you set out to be!

Step 4: Build Projects

Learning topics is not the only way to learn a programming language, applying the knowledge to write scalable code is also of much importance. Building projects is one of the easiest ways to test the knowledge you acquired and put it to a good use. With a dynamic language like Python, which has so many libraries to offer, the possibilities are endless. A simple calculator can be a great beginner project using very basic coding structures, whereas advanced projects like data representation using Matplotlib, machine learning modules, developing neural networks, and a lot more. Python has effective libraries to use in most cases.

Step 5: Teach Others

Teaching others is a great way to explain new concepts to others who have started out on their journey, while also brushing up your own concepts on topics, as well as gaining more clarity. Also, the process of explaining topics and answering questions to others will help you to learn new topics yourself. This can be done through any method, such as explaining concepts on a whiteboard, recording videos and publishing them, writing blog posts and publishing on an online forum, or simply explaining topics to someone in real life.

Step 6: Identify Your Field of Interest

Learning Python can be easy if you have the right motivation for learning it, be it anything. Before fully dedicating yourself to learning Python, it is very important to realize your motivation and purpose for doing so. Doing this will help you to be more motivated while doing it, in this case, learning Python and building projects. The areas of interest are multiple and varied, ranging from data science, mobile apps, websites, hardwares and a lot more. It all depends on what catches your interest the most, and makes you feel excited every time you sit down to do so.


These are some tips which are to be followed for having an easier journey while starting out on learning Python with no prior programming experience. There can be many more effective tips to keep in mind while learning Python, although all of that is a gradual process. Anyone who is starting out on their Python programming journey, can find needed help from this article. Happy learning!

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023


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