How to Keep Your Home Wi-Fi Safe?

Networking devices are prone to intrusion even if we are not aware of the possible threats to us. Most of us think that such a scenario won't happen to ordinary people in their homes. The idea of network security is so clouded in doubt that most of us won't even bother to use it. In this article, we will take a look at the possible ways that you can use to keep your home Wi-Fi safe.

While connecting a wireless device to your wireless network may appear to be a headache at times, but you should take the required procedures to guarantee that your network is safe. Some people may opt to leave their network open to the public, but they are unaware of the risks of doing so.

Wired networks are distinct from wireless networks in that you must physically connect a cable from your computer to the router to join the network. If your wireless network isn't secure, anyone within range of your router can connect to it and use it.

Why Do We Need to Have a Secure Wi-Fi?

When you connect to the Internet, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides you with an IP address. Your IP address is used to send all data you request online. The IP address is issued to your router when you use it, and then your router assigns internal IP addresses to any computers connected to it. If a stranger connects to your Wi-Fi and then does anything unlawful, such as hacking, malware, or worse, law authorities may trace the IP address back to your wireless router.

Because they have acquired access to the local area network administered by your router, someone connected to your router may be able to access your local PCs. This can have serious effects if you haven't adequately safeguarded your machines or local network. Unauthorised users can see and copy personal information (think identity theft), install malware, and engage in other criminal behaviour.

Most Internet service providers allocate a certain bandwidth for data transport to and from the Internet. If you go above that limit, you'll usually be charged a certain amount per gigabyte. If someone connected to your wireless network and started downloading full-length movies, your available bandwidth would be soon depleted. You'll be responsible for any excess bandwidth consumption over what your provider has said.

Methods to Keep the Wi-Fi Secure

You can use the following methods to keep the Wi-Fi secure −

Change your home Wi-Fi network's default name

SSID is the name of the network. For all of their wireless routers, several manufacturers give a default SSID. The majority of the time, it's the name of the firm. Each network that openly broadcasts its SSID is listed when a computer with a wireless connection searches for and shows nearby wireless networks. This increases the chances of a hacker entering your network. It is preferable to alter the network's SSID to something that does not reveal any personal information, deterring hackers.

Use a strong wireless network password

Most wireless routers come with a pre-programmed default password. This default password is easily guessable by hackers; if they know the router manufacturer, the task becomes far easier. Make sure your password is at least 20 characters long and has a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols. Hackers will find it difficult to get access to your network if you choose this option.

Using encryption on the network

Encryption is available on almost every wireless router, but it is usually turned off by default. Encryption on a wireless router can help secure the network. After a broadband provider installs the router, make sure to switch it on right away. "WPA2," the most modern and effective kind of encryption available, is the most recent and effective.

Turn off network name broadcasting

It is highly suggested that you prevent network name broadcasting to the general public while using a wireless router at home. This function is frequently used by companies, libraries, hotels, and restaurants that wish to provide consumers with wireless Internet access. But it is usually unnecessary for a private wireless network.

Keep the software on your router up to date

Like any other software, Router firmware can have weaknesses that can turn into severe vulnerabilities unless manufacturer firmware revisions swiftly address them. To guarantee no security vulnerability, always install the most recent software available on the system and download the most recent security updates.

Make sure you have a strong firewall in place

A "firewall" is a program that protects computers against malicious attacks. Although most wireless routers include built-in firewalls, they are occasionally sold with the firewall turned off. Make that the firewall on the wireless router is turned on. If your router doesn't have a firewall, make sure you install one on your computer to watch unwanted access attempts to your wireless network.

Use a Virtual Private Network

A virtual private network (VPN) is a collection of computers or networks connected over the Internet. VPNs, such as Norton Protect VPN, can be used by individuals to secure and encrypt their communications. A VPN client starts on your computer when you connect to a VPN. Your computer exchanges its key with another server when you log in with your credentials.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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