How to join the elements of the byte slice in Golang?

Byte slices are an important data type in Go that allow you to work with binary data. In many cases, you will need to join the elements of a byte slice to create a single string. In this article, we will discuss how to join the elements of a byte slice in Go.

Joining the Elements of a Byte Slice in Go

In Go, you can join the elements of a byte slice using the bytes.Join() function. Here is the syntax for using bytes.Join() −

func Join(s [][]byte, sep []byte) []byte

where s is a slice of byte slices, and sep is the separator that you want to use between the byte slices. The Join() function returns a new byte slice that contains the elements of s joined together with the separator sep.


Here is an example that demonstrates how to join the elements of a byte slice using bytes.Join() −

package main

import (

func main() {
   byteSlice := [][]byte{[]byte("hello"), []byte("world")}
   separator := []byte(" ")

   joined := bytes.Join(byteSlice, separator)

   fmt.Printf("%s\n", joined)

In this example, we define a byte slice byteSlice that contains two byte slices: []byte("hello") and []byte("world"). We then define a separator separator as a space character. We use the bytes.Join() function to join the elements of byteSlice together with the separator separator, and assign the result to a new byte slice joined. Finally, we print the value of joined using fmt.Printf.


The output of this program will be −

hello world


In this article, we discussed how to join the elements of a byte slice in Go using the bytes.Join() function. The Join() function allows you to concatenate the elements of a byte slice together with a separator of your choice. We also provided an example that demonstrated how to use bytes.Join() to join the elements of a byte slice containing the byte slices []byte("hello") and []byte("world") together with a space separator. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you should be able to join byte slices together in your Go programs.

Updated on: 08-May-2023


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