How to Join Multiple Lines Into One on Linux


When working with Linux or any command-line interface, you may come across situations where you need to combine multiple lines of text into a single line. This can be helpful for formatting or readability purposes, and it can also be necessary for certain scripting tasks.

In this article, we will discuss several methods for joining multiple lines into one on Linux, including use of command-line tools like sed, awk, and paste. We will provide examples of each method to demonstrate how they can be used in different situations.

Method 1: Using "tr" Command

One of simplest ways to join multiple lines into one is to use "tr" command. This command is used to translate or delete characters, and it can also be used to replace line breaks with spaces. Here's how it works −

$ cat file.txt | tr '
' ' '

In this example, we're using "cat" command to display contents of a file called "file.txt", and then piping that output to "tr" command. first argument to "tr" is character we want to replace, which in this case is newline character (
). second argument is character we want to replace it with, which in this case is a space. This will join all of lines in file into a single line.

You can also use "tr" command to remove line breaks altogether by omitting second argument −

$ cat file.txt | tr -d '

This will remove all line breaks from output and combine all lines into a single line.

Method 2: Using "sed" Command

The "sed" command is another powerful tool for working with text files on Linux. It can be used to manipulate text in a variety of ways, including joining multiple lines into one. Here's an example −

$ sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/
/ /g' file.txt

This command uses a regular expression to replace all line breaks in file with spaces. regular expression consists of several parts −

  • ":a;N;$!ba;" is a loop that reads in all of lines in file and joins them into a single pattern space.

  • "s/
    / /g" is a substitution command that replaces all instances of newline character with a space.

The result is a single line of text that includes all of lines in file.

Method 3: Using "awk" Command

The "awk" command is a versatile tool for working with text files on Linux. It can be used for a wide range of tasks, including joining multiple lines into one. Here's how it works −

$ awk '{printf("%s ",$0)}' file.txt

In this example, we're using "printf" function in awk to print each line in file followed by a space. "%s " format specifier tells awk to print each line as a string followed by a space, and "$0" argument specifies that we want to print entire line.

The result is a single line of text that includes all of lines in file, separated by spaces.

Method 4: Using "paste" Command

The "paste" command is primarily used to merge lines from two or more files, but it can also be used to join multiple lines from a single file. Here's how it works −

$ paste -s -d ' ' file.txt

The "-s" option tells paste to merge all of lines in file into a single line, and "-d ' '" option specifies that we want to use a space as delimiter between lines. If you want to use a different delimiter, you can replace space character with any other character or string.

Method 5: Using "xargs" Command

The "xargs" command is often used to pass arguments to other commands, but it can also be used to join multiple lines into one. Here's an example −

$ cat file.txt | xargs

In this example, we're piping output of "cat" command to "xargs". "xargs" command reads in each line of input and uses it as an argument for command that follows. In this case, we're not specifying a command to follow, so "xargs" simply combines all of lines into a single line separated by spaces.

Method 6: Using "echo" Command

Finally, you can also use "echo" command to join multiple lines into one. Here's how it works −

$ echo $(cat file.txt)

In this example, we're using command substitution to pass output of "cat" as an argument to "echo". "$()" syntax tells shell to execute command inside parentheses and use its output as an argument to "echo". This will combine all of lines in file into a single line separated by spaces.

Additional Considerations and Examples

While methods discussed above can be effective for joining multiple lines into one, there are some additional considerations and scenarios to keep in mind.

  • Removing unwanted characters − In some cases, your input file may contain characters that you don't want to include in output. For example, if your file contains a header or footer that you want to exclude, you can use "tail" or "head" command to extract only lines you want to include before using one of methods discussed above. Additionally, you can use "sed" command to remove unwanted characters before joining lines.

$ sed 's/\r//g' file.txt | tr '
' ' '

In this example, we're using "sed" command to remove any carriage return characters (represented by "\r") in file, and then using "tr" command to join lines with spaces.

  • Handling long lines − If your input file contains lines that are too long to fit on a single line, some of methods discussed above may not work as expected. For example, "tr" command will simply remove any line breaks, which may result in a very long single line that is difficult to read. In these cases, you may need to use a tool like "fold" to wrap lines at a specified width before joining them.

$ fold -w 80 -s file.txt | tr '
' ' '

In this example, we're using "fold" command to wrap lines in file at 80 characters, and then using "tr" command to join lines with spaces.

  • Dealing with special characters − If your input file contains special characters, such as tabs or non-printable characters, you may need to modify commands above to handle them correctly. For example, "sed" command may not work as expected if input file contains tab characters, since tabs are represented differently than spaces. In these cases, you may need to use a different command, such as "awk", that can handle special characters.

$ awk '{printf("%s ", $0)}' file.txt

In this example, we're using "awk" to print each line in file followed by a space. "printf" function in "awk" can handle special characters, including tabs, so this method will work correctly even if input file contains tabs.

  • Joining lines from multiple files − While most of methods discussed above assume that you are joining lines from a single file, some of them can be adapted to handle multiple files. For example, you can use "paste" command to join lines from multiple files side-by-side.

$ paste file1.txt file2.txt | tr '\t' ' '

In this example, we're using "paste" command to join lines from "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" side-by-side, and then using "tr" command to replace tab characters with spaces.


In this article, we've discussed several methods for joining multiple lines into one on Linux. Depending on your specific use case, one method may be more appropriate than others. "tr" command is simplest and most straightforward option, while "sed", "awk", and "paste" commands offer more advanced functionality. "xargs" and "echo" commands are also viable options in certain situations. By mastering these methods, you'll be better equipped to handle text processing tasks on Linux.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023

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