How to integrate PayU Money in iOS using swift?

payU money is a payment gateway which is more popular in Indian online markets. To Integrate payU money we need to go through a few steps. Be careful with integrating payU and do not skip any of the steps of integration.

  • Sign Up with payU money.

  • Once you sign up, your key & salt, merchant ID will be generated which can be found in the dashboard after you login to your payU money account.

  • After that in the terminal application, use the below code to clone payU money.

  • Drag and drop the PlugNPlay folder to your project.

$ git clone --recursive

Note − If you manually do this step you might need to go through a few more steps like creating bridging header etc.

  • Now go to your app’s target settings, under build phases, in the binary tab, check if PlugNPlay.framework is included or not, if not Include that.

  • Add PayUServiceHelper.h to your bridging header file.

  • Now in your PayUServiceHelper.h file, replace your merchant ID, key, salt, and environment with the one you received from your dashboard in payU.

  • Now you can call the payment methods in whatever view controller and the method you wish to use it.

These are the steps required to integrate payU money.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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