How to install Setuptools for Python on Linux?

Having the correct setup tools and packages installed is crucial for Python development on Linux. Setuptools is one such tool that plays a vital role in effortlessly building, distributing, and installing Python packages.

This article will provide you with a detailed walkthrough of the installation process for Setuptools on Linux, ensuring that you possess all the necessary components to commence your Python application development smoothly.


Before we proceed with the installation procedure for Python on Linux, it is important to ensure that you have fulfilled a few prerequisites. These conditions are essential for a seamless installation and utilization of setuptools −

  • Python − Make sure that Python is properly installed on your Linux system. Since Setuptools is designed to function with Python, having Python installed is of utmost importance.

  • Package Manager − Depending on the specific Linux distribution you are using, you will require a package manager to facilitate the installation of setuptools. For example, if you are utilizing Ubuntu, the apt package manager can be employed, whereas, on Fedora, you can utilize dnf.

Installation process

Now, that we have the prerequisites covered, let's proceed with the installation process.

Step 1: Update Package Manager

Before installing any new packages, it's always a good practice to update your package manager to the latest version. Open your terminal and execute the following command −

sudo apt update

This command will update the package lists for upgrades and new package installations.

Step 2: Install Setuptools

To install Setuptools, we'll utilize the package manager for our Linux distribution. Run the appropriate command for your system −

For Ubuntu/Debian-based systems −

sudo apt install python-setuptools

For Fedora/RHEL-based systems −

sudo dnf install python-setuptools

The package manager will automatically resolve dependencies and install Setuptools along with any required packages.

Step 3: Verify Installation

To ensure that Setuptools is successfully installed, we can check the version using the following command −

easy_install --version

If Setuptools is properly installed, you should see the version number displayed in the terminal.

Now, we have installed Setuptools for Python on Linux.

Advanced Functionality and Features

Setuptools offers a diverse array of advanced functionalities and features that can greatly enhance your Python development workflow. Let's delve into some of these capabilities −

  • Package Distribution − Setuptools simplifies the process of distributing Python packages by providing commands such as sdist and bdist_wheel. These commands empower you to effortlessly create source distributions and binary distributions, respectively.

  • Custom Extensions − Setuptools facilitates the seamless integration of custom C/C++ extensions into your Python packages. This empowers you to optimize performance or interact with low-level system resources.

  • Dependency Management − Setuptools enables easy definition and management of dependencies for your Python packages. You can specify the required dependencies in the install_requires field of your package's setup configuration.

  • Entry Points − Setuptools supports the definition of entry points, which are specific Python functions or classes that can be invoked as scripts or plugins. This functionality proves highly beneficial when developing flexible applications or frameworks.

By harnessing these advanced features, you can elevate your Python development to new heights, ensuring efficient package management and streamlined distribution.


In conclusion, Setuptools plays a vital role in the Python development process on Linux. It streamlines the building, distribution, and installation of Python packages and offers advanced features like dependency management, package distribution, custom extensions, and entry points.

By following the installation guide mentioned in this article, you can ensure a hassle-free installation and be fully equipped to start developing Python applications without any interruption. With Setuptools, you can improve the package management process and ensure a smooth distribution, thus taking your Python development to a whole new level.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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