How to Install and Configure OpenVPN Access Server?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology is essential for secure remote access to networks and resources. OpenVPN Access Server is a popular VPN solution that provides a scalable and robust VPN infrastructure for enterprises and organizations of all sizes. In this article, we will discuss how to install and configure OpenVPN Access Server on Ubuntu 20.04.


Before we start, we need to ensure that we have following prerequisites −

  • A VPS or dedicated server with Ubuntu 20.04 installed

  • Root access to server

  • A domain name pointing to server IP address

  • A static IP address for server

  • Basic knowledge of Linux command line

Update System

The first step is to update Ubuntu system to latest packages. You can do this by running following commands −

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Install OpenVPN Access Server

To install OpenVPN Access Server, you need to download package from official website. You can download package using following command −


Once package is downloaded, you can install it using following command −

sudo dpkg -i openvpn-as-2.8.9-Ubuntu20.amd_64.deb

Configure OpenVPN Access Server

After installing OpenVPN Access Server, you need to configure it. You can configure server by accessing web interface. Open a web browser and navigate to following URL −


Replace <server-ip-address> with static IP address of your server. You will see a warning message because server uses a self-signed SSL certificate. Click on "Advanced" button and proceed to web interface.

Once you access web interface, you will be prompted to enter default username and password. default username is "openvpn" and default password is "password". After logging in, you will see OpenVPN Access Server dashboard.

Configure Network Settings

Before creating VPN users, you need to configure network settings. Click on "VPN Settings" tab and configure following settings −

  • Hostname or IP Address − Enter domain name or static IP address of server.

  • Port Number − Set port number to 443.

  • Protocol − Set protocol to TCP or UDP.

  • Encryption Cipher − Select an encryption cipher that is compatible with your clients.

  • Network Address − Set network address to IP address range that will be used by VPN clients.

  • DNS Default Domain − Set default DNS domain name for VPN clients.

  • DNS Server − Set DNS server IP address that VPN clients will use.

After configuring network settings, click on "Save Settings" button.

Create VPN Uusers

To create VPN users, click on "User Management" tab and click on "Create User" button. Enter username and password for user and select "VPN Access" checkbox. After creating user, you can download OpenVPN configuration file for user.

Connect to VPN

To connect to VPN, you need to install OpenVPN client on your computer or mobile device. You can download client from OpenVPN website. After installing client, you can import configuration file that you downloaded in step 6. Once configuration file is imported, you can connect to VPN.

In addition to basic configuration outlined in this article, OpenVPN Access Server also offers advanced configuration options for more complex VPN setups. This includes support for multiple VPN protocols, such as OpenVPN and L2TP/IPsec, as well as ability to configure custom routes and firewall rules.

OpenVPN Access Server also offers additional security features such as two-factor authentication and client certificate authentication. These features can help enhance security of your VPN by requiring additional authentication factors to access VPN.

Furthermore, OpenVPN Access Server provides a range of client applications for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. These applications offer an easy-to-use interface for connecting to VPN and can be configured with same configuration files used for server.

OpenVPN Access Server also offers a wide range of management tools for administrators to manage their VPN network. web-based administration interface allows you to manage users, create and edit VPN profiles, and monitor server status and performance.

The server can also be integrated with various authentication and authorization systems such as LDAP, Active Directory, and RADIUS. This enables you to easily manage user accounts and permissions, and ensure that only authorized users can access VPN.

Another useful feature of OpenVPN Access Server is its ability to support multiple VPN gateways. This allows you to create a VPN network with multiple servers and distribute traffic across them, providing better performance and reliability.

In addition, OpenVPN Access Server offers a wide range of add-ons and plugins that can be used to extend its functionality. For example, Access Server Connect plugin allows you to integrate your VPN network with cloud services like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

Another advantage of OpenVPN Access Server is its open-source nature. software is released under GNU General Public License, which means that it is free to use, modify, and distribute. This makes OpenVPN Access Server an ideal solution for organizations that want to customize software to their specific needs or integrate it with other systems.

Furthermore, open-source nature of OpenVPN Access Server means that it benefits from a large and active community of developers and users who contribute to its development and provide support and resources for other users. This community ensures that software is constantly being improved and updated with new features and security patches.

Finally, OpenVPN Access Server is backed by a large and active community of developers and users. community provides a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and forums, to help users get started with software and troubleshoot issues.

Overall, OpenVPN Access Server is a powerful and flexible VPN solution that offers a wide range of features and capabilities for organizations of all sizes. With its ease of installation and configuration, advanced security features, and wide range of management tools and add-ons, OpenVPN Access Server is an excellent choice for creating a secure and reliable VPN infrastructure.


OpenVPN Access Server is a powerful VPN solution that provides a secure and scalable VPN infrastructure for enterprises and organizations of all sizes. By following steps outlined in this article, you can easily install and configure OpenVPN Access Server on your Ubuntu 20.04 server. This will enable you to create a secure VPN for remote access to your network and resources.

It is important to note that while OpenVPN Access Server provides a robust VPN infrastructure, proper security measures should be taken to ensure safety of your network and data. This includes implementing strong passwords, configuring firewalls, and regularly updating your software.

Overall, OpenVPN Access Server is a great solution for creating a secure VPN for remote access to your network and resources. By following steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up a VPN and ensure safety of your data and network.

Updated on: 12-May-2023


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