How to Install an RPM File On Linux OS (CentOS, RHEL, & Fedora)?

If you are a Linux user, you are likely to encounter RPM files at some point. An RPM file, or Red Hat Package Manager, is a package management system for installing, updating, and removing software on Linux operating systems such as CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora. RPM files are similar to .deb files in Debian-based operating systems.

In this article, we will guide you through steps required to install an RPM file on Linux operating systems such as CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora.

Step 1: Download RPM File

Before you can install an RPM file, you must first download it from a reliable source. You can obtain RPM files from various sources, such as official software repositories, software vendors, or third-party websites.

Once you have downloaded RPM file, you should check file's integrity to ensure that it has not been tampered with or corrupted during download process. You can use MD5 or SHA1 checksums to verify integrity of file.

Step 2: Install RPM File

After downloading RPM file, you can proceed with installation process. simplest way to install an RPM file on Linux is to use Yum package manager. Yum is a command-line tool that simplifies installation, updating, and removal of packages on CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora.

To install an RPM file using Yum, you can use following command −

sudo yum install /path/to/rpm/file.rpm

In this command, replace "/path/to/rpm/file.rpm" with path to downloaded RPM file. This command will install RPM file and any dependencies required for package to function correctly.

If Yum is unable to locate any required dependencies, it will prompt you to install them manually. You can use "yum search" command to search for missing dependencies and install them using same command.

Step 3: Verify Installation

After installing RPM file, you can verify that package is installed correctly by running following command −

rpm -qa | grep package_name

In this command, replace "package_name" with name of installed package. This command will display package name and version, indicating that package is installed correctly.

If you encounter any errors during installation process, you can use "yum history" command to view installation history and roll back to a previous version if necessary.

In addition to using Yum, you can also install an RPM file using RPM command. RPM command is a command-line tool that allows you to manage RPM packages on Linux operating systems.

To install an RPM file using RPM command, you can use following command −

sudo rpm -ivh /path/to/rpm/file.rpm

In this command, replace "/path/to/rpm/file.rpm" with path to downloaded RPM file. This command will install RPM file and any dependencies required for package to function correctly.

The "-i" option in RPM command indicates that you want to install package, while "-v" option displays installation progress in verbose mode. "-h" option indicates that you want to display a hash mark (#) for every 10% of progress.

You can also use "-U" option instead of "-i" option to upgrade an existing package to a new version using RPM command. For example −

sudo rpm -Uvh /path/to/new/rpm/file.rpm

In this command, replace "/path/to/new/rpm/file.rpm" with path to new RPM file. This command will upgrade existing package to new version.

Finally, if you want to remove an installed RPM package, you can use following command −

sudo rpm -e package_name

In this command, replace "package_name" with name of package you want to remove. This command will remove package and any associated files from your system.

If you encounter any issues during installation process, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. First, check if there are any dependencies required by package that have not been installed. You can use "rpm -qpR /path/to/rpm/file.rpm" command to display package dependencies.

If there are any missing dependencies, you can use Yum or RPM command to install them. You can also use "rpm -i --test /path/to/rpm/file.rpm" command to test installation of package without actually installing it. This command can help identify any issues that might occur during installation process.

If RPM file is corrupt or damaged, you can download it again from a reliable source and verify its integrity before attempting to install it. You can also use "rpm -K /path/to/rpm/file.rpm" command to check RPM file's signature and verify its integrity.

Another common issue that might occur during installation of an RPM package is a conflict with an existing package. If you encounter a conflict, you can use "rpm -e --nodeps package_name" command to remove conflicting package without removing any dependencies.

It is also worth noting that some RPM packages may come with configuration files that need to be modified or customized to suit your system's needs. In such cases, you can use "rpm -qc package_name" command to display configuration files associated with package.

You can modify configuration files as necessary and then restart associated service to apply changes. For example, if you modified configuration file for Apache web server, you would need to restart Apache service using following command −

sudo systemctl restart httpd

In addition, some RPM packages may have post-install scripts that run after package is installed. These scripts can perform additional configuration tasks or set up package for use on your system.

If you encounter any issues with post-install scripts, you can use "rpm -q --scripts package_name" command to display scripts associated with package. You can then review scripts to identify any potential issues and take appropriate actions.

When installing an RPM file, it's important to keep in mind that not all RPM files are compatible with all Linux operating systems. While CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora are all RPM-based systems, they can have different versions and configurations that may affect compatibility of RPM package.

To ensure compatibility, it's important to check RPM package's system requirements and compatibility before installing it. You can do this by reviewing package documentation or contacting vendor.

Another important consideration is security of RPM package. RPM files can contain malicious code or vulnerabilities that can compromise your system's security. To minimize risk, always download RPM files from reliable sources and verify their integrity using checksums or digital signatures.

You can also use security tools such as ClamAV or rkhunter to scan RPM files for potential security threats before installing them. These tools can help identify any known security issues and provide recommendations for addressing them.


Installing an RPM file on Linux operating systems such as CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora is a straightforward process. By following steps outlined in this article, you can install RPM files quickly and efficiently. Remember to download RPM files from reliable sources and verify their integrity before installation to ensure that your system is secure and stable.

Updated on: 12-May-2023

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