How to Install AlmaLinux 9 Step by Step?


AlmaLinux, a RHEL fork, is a free and open-source Linux distribution designed to be an alternative for CentOS. This user-friendly distro is created and maintained by the community, and offers stability, reliability, and compatibility with enterprise Linux environments. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to install AlmaLinux 9, walking you through the entire process from downloading the ISO image to setting up your new system.

Download AlmaLinux 9 ISO

To begin, visit the official AlmaLinux website ( and navigate to the downloads section. Choose the appropriate ISO image based on your system's architecture (64-bit recommended) and download it to your local machine.

Create a Bootable USB Drive

Next, you'll need to create a bootable USB drive using the downloaded ISO file. You can use various tools to create a bootable USB drive, such as Rufus (Windows) or Balena Etcher (Windows, macOS, and Linux).

Configure BIOS/UEFI Settings

To boot from the USB drive, you'll need to adjust your system's BIOS or UEFI settings. Enter your BIOS/UEFI by pressing the designated key during the system startup (commonly F2, F10, or DEL). Navigate to the boot options and set your USB drive as the first boot device. Save the settings and restart your computer.

Boot from USB Drive

Insert the bootable USB drive into your computer and start it up. The AlmaLinux 9 installer will load automatically.

Choose Installation Language And Keyboard Layout

Select your preferred language from the list, and click on "Continue." On the next screen, choose your preferred keyboard layout and click on "Done."

Configure Installation Settings

On the Installation Summary screen, you'll see several options. Click on each to configure −

  • Time & Date − Set your timezone and enable network time synchronization.

  • Software Selection − Choose the software packages you want to install. For most users, the default "Server with GUI" is recommended.

  • Installation Destination − Select the storage device where AlmaLinux 9 will be installed.

Configure Partition Layout

In the "Installation Destination" screen, choose the "Custom" partitioning scheme and click "Done." Create the necessary partitions for your system (at least root "/", swap, and optionally "/home"). Click on "Done" again to save the partition layout.

Configure Networking

Navigate to the "Network & Hostname" option and enable your network connection. Set a hostname for your system, and click "Done."

Set Root Password And Create User Account

Set a strong password for the root user and click on "Done." Next, create a new user account by providing a username, password, and checking the box "Make this user administrator." Click on "Done" to save your settings.

Begin The Installation

After configuring all the settings, click on "Begin Installation" to start the installation process. The installer will copy the necessary files and install the selected packages. This process may take some time.

Reboot And Log in

Once the installation is complete, click on "Reboot" to restart your system. Remove the USB drive and boot into your newly installed AlmaLinux 9 environment. At the login screen, enter the username and password you created during the installation process. After logging in, you will be presented with the AlmaLinux 9 desktop, where you can explore and start using your new operating system.

Additional Tips and Customization

After completing the installation, there are several additional steps you can take to enhance your AlmaLinux 9 experience. In this section, we'll cover some tips and customization options to help you get the most out of your new operating system.

Update Your System

It's crucial to keep your system up to date with the latest security patches and software updates. To update your AlmaLinux 9 installation, open a terminal and run the following command −

sudo dnf update -y

Install Additional Repositories

Some software packages might not be available in the default AlmaLinux repositories. To access a wider range of software, you can enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository by running −

sudo dnf install epel-release -y

Install Essential Software

After setting up additional repositories, you may want to install some essential software for everyday use. For example −

  • Web browser − Firefox is installed by default, but you can install Google Chrome or another browser if you prefer.

  • Office suite − LibreOffice is a popular, feature-rich, and open-source office suite.

  • Media player − VLC is a versatile media player that supports various formats.

  • Graphics editor − GIMP is a powerful, open-source alternative to Adobe Photoshop.

To install any of these applications, use the dnf command followed by the package name, for example −

sudo dnf install vlc -y

Configure Firewall Settings

AlmaLinux comes with firewalld, a dynamic firewall management tool, pre-installed. To enable or disable specific services, adjust the default zone settings, or open specific ports, use the firewall-cmd command. For example, to enable HTTP and HTTPS services, run −

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Customize Your Desktop Environment

AlmaLinux 9 uses the GNOME desktop environment by default, but you can install and switch to other desktop environments, such as KDE Plasma or Xfce, if you prefer. To install another desktop environment, use the dnf groupinstall command followed by the desired environment's group name, for example −

sudo dnf groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces" -y

After installing a new desktop environment, log out, and select the new environment from the login screen's session menu.

Enhance System Performance

To optimize your AlmaLinux system's performance, you can install and configure performance-enhancing tools such as Preload, a readahead daemon that monitors applications and learns which libraries and binaries they use. Preload can help reduce application startup time. To install and enable Preload, run −

sudo dnf install preload -y
sudo systemctl enable --now preload

Configure Automatic Updates

For better security and convenience, you can set up automatic updates on your AlmaLinux system. The dnf-automatic package allows you to schedule and automate package updates. To install and configure dnf-automatic, follow these steps −

sudo dnf install dnf-automatic -y
sudo systemctl enable --now dnf-automatic.timer

By default, dnf-automatic downloads updates but does not install them. To change this behavior, edit the /etc/dnf/automatic.conf file and modify the apply_updates setting −

sudo nano /etc/dnf/automatic.conf

Change apply_updates = no to apply_updates = yes, save the file, and exit the editor. Restart the dnf-automatic service to apply the changes −

sudo systemctl restart dnf-automatic.timer

Configure System Monitoring Tools

Monitoring your system's performance and resource usage is essential for maintaining a healthy environment. Tools like htop, glances, and nmon can help you monitor your system effectively. To install these tools, run −

sudo dnf install htop glances nmon -y

You can start these tools by running their respective commands −


Enable SELinux for Enhanced Security

SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a powerful security feature in AlmaLinux that helps enforce access policies and prevent unauthorized access to system resources. To check if SELinux is enabled, run −


If SELinux is disabled, you can enable it by editing the /etc/selinux/config file −

sudo nano /etc/selinux/config

Change SELINUX=disabled to SELINUX=enforcing, save the file, and exit the editor. Reboot your system to enable SELinux −

sudo reboot

Create System Backups

Creating regular system backups is essential to protect your data and configuration. Tools like Timeshift can help you create and manage system snapshots. To install Timeshift, run −

sudo dnf install timeshift -y

After installation, launch Timeshift and follow the setup wizard to create your first system snapshot. You can schedule automatic snapshots or create them manually as needed.


Now that you have successfully installed AlmaLinux 9 on your system, you can begin to explore its features and capabilities. As a community-driven and reliable Linux distribution, AlmaLinux offers an excellent alternative for CentOS users and those looking for a stable, enterprise-grade operating system. Keep in mind that regular updates are essential for maintaining a secure and efficient system. Enjoy your new AlmaLinux 9 installation and welcome to the community!

Updated on: 12-May-2023

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