How to Install a DHCP Server in Ubuntu and Debian

If you are looking to set up a local network or manage an existing one, then you will need to know how to install a DHCP server. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and it is used to assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on your network automatically. In this article, we will show you how to install a DHCP server on Ubuntu and Debian.

What is a DHCP Server?

A DHCP server is a network service that automatically assigns IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on a network. Instead of manually configuring every device on the network with a unique IP address, a DHCP server makes the process automatic, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Installing DHCP Server on Ubuntu

Step 1: Open Terminal

The first step to installing a DHCP server on Ubuntu is to open a terminal. You can do this by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + T" on your keyboard or by searching for "Terminal" in the Applications menu.

Step 2: Install DHCP Server

To install the DHCP server on Ubuntu, use the following command in the terminal −

sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

This command will download and install the DHCP server package on your Ubuntu system. You will be prompted to enter your password, which is required to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Configure DHCP Server

Once the DHCP server is installed, you will need to configure it. The configuration file for the DHCP server is located at "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf". You can edit this file using any text editor such as Nano or Vim.

To open the file using Nano, type the following command in the terminal −

sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Step 4: Configure DHCP Server Options

In the configuration file, you will need to specify the DHCP options that you want to use. These options include the subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server, and lease time.

For example, to set the subnet mask to and the default gateway to, add the following lines to the configuration file −

subnet netmask {
   option routers;
   option domain-name-servers,;
   default-lease-time 600;
   max-lease-time 7200;

In this example, the DHCP server will assign IP addresses between and to devices on the network. The default gateway is set to, and the DNS servers are set to Google's public DNS servers ( and

Step 5: Start DHCP Server

To start the DHCP server on Ubuntu, use the following command −

sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server

Installing DHCP Server on Debian

Step 1: Open Terminal

The first step to installing a DHCP server on Debian is to open a terminal. You can do this by pressing "Ctrl + Alt + T" on your keyboard or by searching for "Terminal" in the Applications menu.

Step 2: Install DHCP Server

To install the DHCP server on Debian, use the following command in the terminal −

sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

This command will download and install the DHCP server package on your Debian system. You will be prompted to enter your password, which is required to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Configure DHCP Server

Once the DHCP server is installed, you will need to configure it. The configuration file for the DHCP server is located at "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf". You can edit this file using any text editor such as Nano or Vim.

To open the file using Nano, type the following command in the terminal −

sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Step 4: Configure DHCP Server Options

In the configuration file, you will need to specify the DHCP options that you want to use. These options include the subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server, and lease time.

For example, to set the subnet mask to and the default gateway to, add the following lines to the configuration file −

subnet netmask {
   option routers;
   option domain-name-servers,;
   default-lease-time 600;
   max-lease-time 7200;

In this example, the DHCP server will assign IP addresses between and to devices on the network. The default gateway is set to, and the DNS servers are set to Google's public DNS servers ( and

Step 5: Start DHCP Server

To start the DHCP server on Debian, use the following command −

sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server

Troubleshooting DHCP Server Installation

If you encounter any issues during the installation or configuration process, there are several things that you can check.

Firstly, make sure that the DHCP server package is installed correctly by running the following command −

sudo dpkg -l | grep isc-dhcp-server

This command will show you whether the package is installed or not. If it is not installed, you will need to install it using the appropriate command for your distribution.

Secondly, check the configuration file for any errors or typos. Make sure that all of the options are spelled correctly and that the syntax is correct. You can use the following command to check the syntax of the configuration file −

sudo dhcpd -t

This command will test the syntax of the configuration file and report any errors.

Finally, check the status of the DHCP server to see if it is running correctly. You can use the following command to check the status of the DHCP server −

sudo systemctl status isc-dhcp-server

If the DHCP server is running correctly, you should see a message indicating that it is active and running.

While DHCP is a crucial part of managing a local network, it is not without its limitations. One of the main disadvantages of DHCP is that it can be susceptible to IP address conflicts. If a device on your network is manually assigned an IP address that conflicts with an IP address assigned by the DHCP server, it can cause network connectivity issues.

To avoid IP address conflicts, you can assign static IP addresses to devices on your network. This means that the IP address for a particular device is manually assigned and does not change over time. However, managing a large number of static IP addresses can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Another limitation of DHCP is that it is not always suitable for more complex network environments. In these situations, more advanced network management tools such as DNS, VLAN, and subnetting may be required.

It is worth noting that there are different versions of DHCP, including DHCPv4 and DHCPv6. DHCPv4 is used for assigning IPv4 addresses, while DHCPv6 is used for assigning IPv6 addresses.

IPv6 addresses are becoming increasingly important as the supply of IPv4 addresses is running out. IPv6 uses a 128-bit address format, which provides a vastly larger address space compared to IPv4's 32-bit address format. This allows for more unique addresses to be assigned to devices on the network.

If you are configuring a DHCP server for IPv6, you will need to use the appropriate DHCPv6 configuration file. The DHCPv6 configuration file is located at "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf" on Ubuntu and Debian.

Additionally, it is important to consider security when setting up a DHCP server. A misconfigured DHCP server can potentially open up your network to security vulnerabilities, such as allowing unauthorized devices to connect to your network or exposing sensitive network information.

To ensure the security of your DHCP server, you can take several steps, such as restricting access to the DHCP server configuration files, enabling authentication, and regularly monitoring the DHCP server logs for any unusual activity.


In this article, we have shown you how to install a DHCP server on Ubuntu and Debian. DHCP is an essential component of any local network, and knowing how to set up and configure a DHCP server is an essential skill for any network administrator. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to install and configure a DHCP server quickly and easily.

Updated on: 28-Apr-2023

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