How to Insert live Exchange Rate in Excel?

In this article, the user will understand the method to insert the live exchange rate. To do so, click on the "live exchange rate". The live exchange range keeps fluctuating. This fluctuation happens due to economic conditions such as market demand, geopolitical events, and many other factors. This article illustrates a single example, to understand the process thoroughly. In this example, the user will learn the process of inserting the live exchange rates in Excel.

To do so, firstly the user needs to find a website link that provides live exchange rates in Excel. Then will import the table by using the link further will use this data to calculate the current exchange rate of the currency.

Example 1: To Insert the live exchange rate by using a web link and importing the data in Excel.

Step 1

Before starting the example, open an Excel spreadsheet. Open a new Excel sheet and go to the C2 cell header to create a GBP column heading, and go to the D2 cell, and type the USD to create a new cell header. In this example, will evaluate the conversion value of 100 GBP to USD.

Step 2

Go to the “Home” tab, click on the “Get Data” tile, and then click on the “From Other Source”, further select the “From Web” option. Consider the snapshot provided below for reference:

Step 3

The above step will open a “From Web” dialog box. Select the “Basic” dialog box, and then enter the in the provided URL field. This website contains live currency conversion rates. After typing or pasting the data, click on the “OK” button.

Step 4

The above step will open a “Access Web Content” dialog box, along with a proper domain link for the web address passed above. Finally, click on the “Connect” button.

Step 5

The above step will open a “Navigator” dialog box. From the available list of tables select the last table “Live Currency Rates”. The same is highlighted below for reference. Finally, click on the “Load” option. Consider below provided snapshot for reference:

Step 6

The above step will open another excel sheet with the loaded table data. Refer the below provided snapshot for reference:

Step 7

After that go to the original sheet, created in step 1, and then go to the D3 cell, and type “=C3*'Live Currency Rates'!B5”. Consider below provided snapshot for reference:

Step 8

The obtained answer is 127.07. This means the GBP 100 is equal to USD 127.07. Snapshot for the same is provided below:


This article contains an example to change the live exchange rate in Excel that extracts data from a live website and accordingly calculates the result, the extracted result will refresh after a certain time. However, if required the user can also insert a refresh time link to freshen the data.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023

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